Master's Program

A candidate must attain at least a B- grade in each course and must present and defend an acceptable thesis/research paper when required by the program.

Each student should review the policy on grade reassessments. Any candidate who obtains an F grade in any course may be required to withdraw from the program. A master's student who receives an F grade may, on the recommendation of the department, be placed on probation. Special academic conditions may prevail during the probationary period. However, a master's student who receives an F grade in more than one course (sequentially or concurrently) will be required to withdraw from the program. In the professional programs (MBA and MSW) a student who receives a grade of F may submit a request to the instructor, School or Faculty for permission to complete supplemental assignments or to repeat the course in order to obtain the necessary course credit. Where such permission is granted, the student will have probationary status until a satisfactory course credit is obtained. However, a student will not be allowed to repeat or do supplemental work more than once in any one course or in more than two courses during the entire program.