Transferring from a Postsecondary Institution - Transfer Credit Policies/Procedures

A number of college and university students choose to continue their post-secondary studies at Laurier. For more information on Laurier's transfer policies and procedures, visit To learn more about the admission requirements for transfer students, refer to the Admissions toolkit.

Transfer Credit from Postsecondary Institutions

You must disclose all of your postsecondary education at the time you apply for admission.The university is committed to granting appropriate transfer credit to the maximum extent possible. Factors which affect transfer credit include: the type of institution attended, the applicability of the courses to the program the applicant wishes to enter, the grades achieved, and the minimum Laurier course requirements as outlined in the University Regulations chapter in the section, Residence Requirements for a Degree. In particular, for those applicants who have attended a fully accredited university or junior college, wherever possible, a credit-for-credit transfer will be allowed. Transcripts from non-accredited postsecondary institutions i.e.: private career colleges are not considered in the admission process, or for transfer credit.

The university recognizes that, while learning experiences may differ in a variety of ways, their substance may be virtually equivalent in terms of their content and rigour. If a specific equivalency to a course is not available at Wilfrid Laurier University, we will attempt to award an "unspecified" elective credit.

Transfer credit assessments will be completed by the appropriate Admissions Coordinator following established procedures and in consultation with the appropriate faculty as required. Transfer credit is assessed at the time of admission provided the admissions office has received official final transcripts and official course descriptions (if required).

To appeal a transfer credit assessment, it is the student's responsibility to provide course outlines to the appropriate Admissions Coordinator. Upon receipt of these outlines, transfer credit will be reviewed first by the Admissions Coordinator, then by the dean, director or chair of the program, and if deemed necessary, by the appropriate admissions committee. Any questions regarding transfer credit assessments must be provided in writing to within 12 months from the date of admission, or in the event of a program change. Subsequent changes to policies and regulations will not affect previously awarded transfer credit. The final decision on transfer credit rests with the undergraduate admissions office.

Transfer Students: Admission Requirements (University)

Transfer students will be selected for admission on a competitive basis. Normally, a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 7.00 (B-) will be required for full-time studies. However, a higher average may be required for some programs. A GPA lower than 7.0 (to a minimum GPA of 5.0) will be considered for admission to part-time programs. Entry into a degree program, options, faculties and schools of the University is competitive. Possession of the minimum requirements for entry does not guarantee admission.

If you do not meet the above admission requirements, or have been required to withdraw from a university or postsecondary institution, you may be considered for part-time admission on probation to a General BA/BSc program, without designation – at the discretion of the Admissions Committee. Refer to the section, Part-time Admission on probation for additional details.

The applicant is responsible for requesting official transcripts from both secondary and postsecondary schools. The transcripts must be sent directly from the issuing institution to the Admissions Office at Laurier. Upon receipt and review of all official transcripts, and any supporting documentation, the applicant will be notified of the admission decision. Transfer credit will be considered for students admitted from other accredited institutions for courses satisfactorily completed subject to the following conditions:

  1. Transfer credit will be considered for all courses passed but the course grades will not be included in the student's cumulative GPA at Wilfrid Laurier University.
  2. Only courses taken at Wilfrid Laurier University will be included in the subsequent cumulative GPA.
  3. Transfer credit will not be awarded for courses required within a student's program of study where a grade of less than 4.0 (C-) has been attained. Transfer credit may be re-assessed if a student's program changes.
  4. All requirements for the degree, including residency requirements, must be met.
  5. Students applying to complete another undergraduate degree should also review the section, Requirements for Additional Undergraduate Degrees, in the University Regulations chapter.
  6. Transfer students will receive, at most, one opportunity to clear academic probation.

Part-Time Admission on Probation

Transfer applicants from another postsecondary institution, who are not directly admissible to an honours program as stated above, may be considered for part-time admission on probation to a General BA/BSc program, without designation. Your application will be reviewed by the appropriate Admissions Committee. The Admissions Committee requires that you submit, along with the appropriate academic documents, a letter written by you, addressed to the "Admissions Committee" which outlines the following:

  1. The program you wish to enter
  2. The reasons for your previous academic performance
  3. Why you wish to attend Laurier and why you think you will be more successful academically, if admitted
  4. Details concerning your activities or work experience since your last attendance at school.

If admitted, students will be limited to a maximum of 1.5 credits per semester and must successfully complete 2.0 credits (or equivalent) with a GPA of 5.00 (C) within two years, but are limited to taking 2.0 credits (or equivalent) until academic probation is cleared. Upon clearing probation, they may then proceed into full-time or part-time studies in accordance with regular academic regulations.

Part-Time Admission on Probation for Students Required to Withdraw

For students who were required to withdraw from Laurier, refer to the University Undergraduate Regulations chapter of the academic calendar.

Applicants who were required to withdraw from any other postsecondary institution must have been away from their previous institution for at least 12 months and complete an application for admission through the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) website at

  1. Admission will be at the discretion of the Admissions Committee and is not guaranteed.
  2. Academic upgrading is required (i.e. two academic college courses, each at a minimum grade of A-(80%) or better; or two academic university courses, each at a minimum grade of B- (70%) or better). These courses may not be taken at Laurier and must not cover course material previously taken. Any additional courses taken while on "must withdraw" status will be scrutinized by the appropriate Admissions Committee.
  3. Courses taken for upgrading purposes must be academic in nature i.e.: in the disciplines of the Humanities, or Social Sciences.
  4. Courses taken at college or at another university to meet upgrading requirements while on "must withdraw" status will not be awarded as, or considered for transfer credit if you are admitted to Laurier.
  5. Students admitted after having been required to withdraw from another institution will be limited to 1.0 credits per semester and must successfully complete 2.0 credits (or equivalent) with a GPA of 5.00 (C) within two years, but are limited to taking 4.0 credits (or equivalent) until academic probation is cleared. No failures are allowed during this probationary period.

Your application will be reviewed by the appropriate Admissions Committee. The Admissions Committee requires that you submit, along with the appropriate academic documents, a letter written by you, addressed to the "Admissions Committee" which outlines the following:

  1. The program you wish to enter.
  2. The reasons for your previous academic performance.
  3. Why you wish to attend Laurier and why you think you will be more successful academically, if admitted.
  4. Details concerning your activities or work experience since your last attendance at school.