Other University Departments
Auto-Attendant Telephone Number: (519) 884-0710 and press extension given below, then number (#) sign, or access by name.
- Aboriginal Office: ext. 4190, wlu.ca/aboriginal
- Accessible Learning Centre: ext. 3086, Accessible_Learning@wlu.ca
- Athletics and Recreation: ext. 2184
- Laurier Bookstore: ext. 3237, askaquestion@wlubookstore.com
- Career Development Centre: ext. 4495,careercentre@wlu.ca,
- Centre for Online Learning: ext. 3505, onlinelearning@wlu.ca
- Centre for Student Success: ext. 2220, studentsuccess@wlu.ca
- Community Safety and Special Constable Services: Dispatcher, ext. 3333, dispatch@wlu.ca
- Co-op Office: ext. 4484, lauriercoop@wlu.ca
- Dean of Students (Brantford): 519-756-8228, ext. 5644, alawrence@wlu.ca
- Dean of Students (Waterloo): ext. 3704, lhollandbrown@wlu.ca
- Diversity & Equity Office: ext. 3208, diversity@wlu.ca
- Educational Development, ext. 3507, edev@wlu.ca
- Environmental Health and Safety: ext. 2874, skibbee@wlu.ca
- Food Services: ext. 2276, laurierfoodservices@wlu.ca
- Foot Patrol: ext. 3668
- Graduate Studies: ext. 3128, fgps@wlu.ca
- Hawk Desk: ext. 3803
- Help Desks: Employee Service Desk, ext. 4357, help@wlu.ca; Student Service Desk, ext. 2222, support@mylaurier@wlu.ca
- Housing Office: see Residential Services (below)
- The Hub: ext. 3624
- Laurier International: ext. 2227, laurierinternational@wlu.ca
- Library: ext. 3999, libweb@wlu.ca
- MyLearningSpace Support: Tara Van Haaran, tvanhaaran@wlu.ca, ext. 3531; Josh Marshall, jmarshall@wlu.ca, ext. 4203; MyLS@wlu.ca
- One-Card Office: ext. 3730, onecard@wlu.ca
- Parking Permits: Waterloo: ext. 3032, parking@wlu.ca, or Brantford: ext. 5814 lbparking@wlu.ca
- Privacy Office: ext. 2047, privacy@wlu.ca
- Residential Services: ext. 3236, housing@wlu.ca
- Special Needs: see Accessible Learning Centre (above)
- Student Wellness Centre: ext. 3146 wellness@wluca
- Study Skills: ext. 2220
- Tuition & Other Fees: contact Enrolment Services through students.wlu.ca
- WLUSU Office: ext. 3335
- U-Desk (Union Desk): ext. 3434/4102, klee@wlu.ca
- Writing Centre: ext. 3339, studentsuccess@wlu.ca