Payment of Fees
Fees are charged on a per term basis and due dates are made available on our Payments webpage.
Tuition fees are assessed to registered students based on course registration. Fees are due by the due date regardless of whether an invoice/statement has been viewed. Full account information, updated regularly, is available online, by following directions on the Laurier Online Registration Information System (LORIS).
Students wishing to opt out of optional incidental fees must follow the procedures and deadlines established for those optional fees. Notifying Service Laurier of your intention to opt-out is not sufficient.
Payment options can be found at For details on tuition fees and invoicing, refer to
By registering for classes at Wilfrid Laurier University, students agree to pay all assessed tuition and fees as a result of registration. Students are responsible to properly cancel, adjust or drop their registration in accordance with academic dates in the Academic Calendar. Students understand that decisions with respect to any request for course withdrawals, tuition refunds, tuition adjustments, or other fees are Wilfrid Laurier University’s sole discretion and in accordance with the applicable University policies and procedures. Furthermore, students agree to pay any additional charges they may incur, including, but not limited to: charges for residence, meal plans, class materials, late registration fees, other departmental charges, penalties and late payment fees.
Students understand that:
- It is their responsibility to verify their student financial account on a regular basis.
- Regardless of their eligibility for financial aid, they are personally responsible for the full amount assessed to them as a result of their registration and will be held accountable to Wilfrid Laurier University’s policies and procedures.
- Having an overdue balance on their student financial account may have both academic and non-academic consequences (Financial Hold), including, without limitation, graduating, accessing final grades, adding courses, registering for future terms, accessing a transcript of grades and/or referral to a third-party collection agency.
- International payments must be made through the CIBC International Payment Portal
- Payments submitted to student accounts are for the intents and purposes for tuition and fees assessed to student accounts
- International payments (including overpayments) made to the student account are required to remain on the student account to be applied to current and, if applicable, future term's fees