Residence Requirements for all Designations

  • Honours Degree
    For honours degrees, all students, including those transferring from another university, must complete a minimum of 10.0 credits (or equivalent) at Wilfrid Laurier University, including at least:
    -Honours Degree (single major): 5.0 senior credits in the honours program.
    -Honours Degree (major "in Combination"): 2.5 senior credits in each honours program.
    -Simultaneous honours degree: 5.0 senior credits in each honours program.
  • General BA/BSc Degree with Major:
    All students, including those transferring from another university, must complete a minimum of 6.0 senior credits including 5.0 senior credits in the major program at Wilfrid Laurier University. 
  • General BA/BSc Degree without Designation
    All students, including those transferring from another university, must complete a minimum of 5.0 senior credits at Wilfrid Laurier University.
  • Minor
    The minimum requirement for a minor consists of 3.0 credits, no fewer than 2.0 of which shall be senior credits and no fewer than 2.0 of which shall be obtained at Wilfrid Laurier University. Refer to Regulations Combining Honours with a Secondary Minor/Option in each faculty chapter.

  • Option
    The minimum requirement for an option consists of 4.0 credits, no fewer than 2.0 of which shall be senior credits and no fewer than 2.0 shall be obtained at Wilfrid Laurier University. Refer to Regulations Combining Honours with a Secondary Minor/Option in each faculty chapter.

  • Undergraduate Diploma
    The minimum requirement for an undergraduate diploma consists of 4.5 credits and no fewer than 60% of the credits in the diploma shall be obtained at Wilfrid Laurier University.

  • Undergraduate Certificate
    The minimum requirement for a certificate consists of 2.0 credits and no fewer than 60% of the credits of the certificate shall be obtained at Wilfrid Laurier University.

  • Post-Baccalaureate Certificate
    The minimum requirement for a Post-baccalaureate certificate consists of 2.5 credits and no fewer than 60% of the credits of the certificate shall be obtained at Wilfrid Laurier University.

  • Micro-Credentials (Credit-Bearing)
    The minimum requirement for a Micro-Credential ("Micro-Credential" in the program name) consists of 15 hours of academic content to be completed in less than 12 weeks. All hours of academic content shall be obtained at Wilfrid Laurier University


  1. Degree regulations noted above apply to students seeking their first degree. Students seeking a second degree should consult the upcoming section Additional Undergraduate Degree Requirements.
  2. Credits earned by students who spend a year on an exchange program abroad in a program approved by Wilfrid Laurier University, will be considered as Laurier credits for purposes of residence requirements.
  3. Courses taken on a Letter of Permission at another university, or cross-registered at the University of Waterloo, or granted transfer credit upon admission do not meet residence requirements.
  4. Cross-listed courses count toward multiple disciplines for the purposes of residence requirements, unless otherwise stated by the program.
  5. Students registered in multiple programs (i.e. Combined major, single major and minor, etc.) taking a course applicable to more than one of their programs are permitted to count the course to multiple programs for the purposes of residence requirements, unless otherwise stated by the program.
  6. Exceptions to residence requirements for all designations must be approved by the Dean (or designate) of the faculty offering the program. 
  7. Regulations provided outline minimum requirements. Individual departments may require more than the minimum noted above.