Course Regulations

Registration in courses, adding or withdrawing from courses, is governed by the dates printed in the Academic Dates and official online version of the Undergraduate Academic Calendar. Additional information is available in the Registration section at the beginning of this chapter. Academic penalties are applied for failure to add or withdraw by the specified dates.

Repeated Courses

No course may be attempted more than twice. For the calculation of a GPA involving a repeated course, refer to this chapter's section, Grades.

Irregular Course

No more than 1.0 irregular credit may be counted toward a general degree, and no more than 3.0 toward an honours degree. Students who have successfully completed 5.0 credits may register in an irregular course. A course is denoted with "Irregular course" in the calendar description.

Only students registered in an honours program in a subject may register in a directed studies course in that subject, and no more than one directed studies course with the same instructor may be counted toward a degree (except with permission of the dean).

Overload Courses in Full-time Studies

Any courses in addition to the normal requirements taken in the honours program must be approved by the chair of the department involved. Each course in excess of a student's maximum number of credits in any term in the general and honours programs requires approval in writing by the dean of the faculty concerned. Normally an overall GPA of 9.00 is required for consideration.

Students enrolling in courses that are additional to the normal program load are reminded that they are fully responsible for doing so and are cautioned against possible academic difficulties.

Students enrolled in general degree programs who are on academic probation require written permission from the dean to take more than four 0.5-credit courses (or equivalent) in any given term.

Extra Courses in Undergraduate Degree Programs

A course declared as "extra" is not included in the calculation of the GPA, nor does it count toward the degree requirements. However, the grade received will be included on the academic record. Students must designate courses as "extra" in the term or session the course is taken and prior to the last day for withdrawing from courses without penalty of failure.

Maximum Course Load: Spring Term

From May to August inclusive, the maximum number of credits in which students may register in a six-week period is 1.5 credits. Exceptions to this maximum registration regulation must be granted by permission of the appropriate, associate dean/assistant dean (or designate) of the faculty.

Student International Exchange

  1. Laurier students pay tuition and incidental fees to Wilfrid Laurier University and will be invoiced for 2.5 credits per semester through Service Laurier at Wilfrid Laurier University. Students who are accepted on exchange will therefore be allowed to take the equivalent of a full course load at the host institution. Exception to these fees will occur during the spring term, when students may be invoiced for 1.5 credits (dependent upon their course load). Other expenses are payable to the host institution while abroad.
  2. Students may apply for OSAP funding through the Student Awards Office at Laurier when participating in the International Exchange Program. Students are advised to contact the Student Awards Office for specific instructions pertaining to studying abroad.
  3. Students must have a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of 7.0 at the time of application and at the time of study in order to be eligible for an International Exchange Program.
  4. Students must have adequate linguistic competency, where applicable.
  5. Exchange periods are either for one or two terms. Term start and end dates vary.
  6. Exchange programs are open to undergraduate degree seeking students during their third or fourth year of study in most disciplines. BBA students are eligible to participate in exchanges during their fourth year of study. Students taking the Management Option may apply for "business" exchanges.
  7. Students spending a term or a year abroad in a recognized exchange program who satisfactorily complete a normal course load (one or two terms) will be credited with the equivalent of a normal course load at Laurier (one or two terms). Specific course equivalents will be assigned where possible, but students will normally receive a non-specific credit. For progression and graduation, grade calculations will follow the procedures used in awarding In-Course Scholarships (i.e., foreign grades are not used in the calculation of GPA). A grade of CR (Credit) or F (Fail) will be recorded on the student's official transcript beside all courses taken while on exchange.
  8. Students must arrange to have an official transcript sent from the host institution by the end of the next academic term after completing their International Exchange Program. Students must submit a Course Credit Transfer Agreement (CCTA) form that outlines the equivalent Laurier credits they will earn from their term abroad with academic approval. Failure to provide Laurier International with a transcript or a CCTA form will result in the assignment of Failing grades.
  9. Due to processing time by the host institution, if a student completes an International Exchange Program in their last term before graduating and that term is Winter or Spring, they will not be able to graduate at the subsequent convocation. These students would graduate at the next convocation ceremony.
Application deadlines vary, but are usually mid January of the academic year preceding the exchange. Information on deadlines for application, and application forms are available at Laurier International.

Letter of Permission Courses


Students registered at Laurier may not take courses at another recognized institution unless a Letter of Permission has been granted by the Office of Enrolment Services at Wilfrid Laurier University at least two weeks prior to registration in such courses. A Letter of Permission request will be assessed a non-refundable fee (refer to the Financial Services chapter).

The letter will be issued only to a regular student who has successfully completed a minimum of 3.0 credits at Wilfrid Laurier University, has obtained a minimum cumulative GPA of 4.00, and is not on academic probation in a general degree program. Normally, the university does not accept, through its Letter of Permission process, credits acquired through prior learning assessment and recording programs at other institutions.

A student who does not register for the course(s) specified in the letter, must notify Enrolment Services at Wilfrid Laurier University, in writing, before the start of the session indicated in the letter.

It is the student's responsibility to have a transcript of final grades sent to Enrolment Services of Wilfrid Laurier University. The grade attained in the course taken on a Letter of Permission will be included in the cumulative GPA. If the transcript is not received within one month after completion of the course, a grade of "F'' will be assigned to each course.

Prospective graduates should note that an official transcript must be received by Enrolment Services no later than May 1 for spring convocation and October 1 for fall convocation. Students in their final term of study are cautioned that grade, document, and shipping processes at both host and home institutions may cause delays. 

NOTE: The willingness of the host institution to grant an extension of the time to complete the course requirements is not sufficient basis for Laurier to grant an extension to its Letter of Permission privileges. Students must adhere to Laurier's academic and program deadlines. Letter of Permission policies do not apply to Post-Degree Undergraduate students.