Professional Competencies Review Process

To provide TCs in the Faculty of Education with feedback and to take timely steps as needed regarding ethical and professional behaviour, both in academic and field settings, the Faculty of Education engages in a regularly scheduled Professional Competencies review process at multiple points during each term. The Professional Competencies on which TCs are evaluated are closely aligned with the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession and Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession.

All faculty members, Placement Officers, and Associate Teachers (through evaluations and contact with the Practicum Office) who have had direct contact with the TCs have input to the decisions about whether they have met the standards outlined related to Professional Dispositions Competencies. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, all Professional Competencies will be assumed to be at the Acceptable level. When behaviours indicating an unacceptable Professional Competency are identified by a faculty member, Placement Officer, or Associate Teacher, the Advising team reviews the concern in order to determine next steps. This may occur at any time during the year. When a Professional Competency concern has been raised and warrants intervention, the Advisors will meet with the TC to discuss the concerns and determine next steps. If the concern is present in multiple courses or severe enough to question the Professional and Ethical Standards of the profession, the TC and Academic Advisor will create an Action Plan to outline the next steps that the TC will need to follow to continue progression in the program and remediate the areas of concern. If the TC is not meeting the progression of the Action Plan, the case will be referred to the Bachelor of Education program coordinator, and then the Associate Dean in order to determine if the TC will be allowed to continue in the program.

Throughout the duration of teaching a course, faculty members will also report any outstanding extensions for assignments, or any TCs who are in academic difficulty, including TCs who are not meeting the attendance policy.

By the end of Year 1, all Dispositions Professional Competencies must be in Acceptable category or the TC must be making satisfactory progress on an action plan to move all Dispositions Professional Competencies to the Acceptable category.

In rare cases, serious concerns regarding Professional Competencies may result in deferral of progression through the program and/or investigation of allegations of misconduct under the WLU Student Code of Conduct and Discipline, and/or the TC not being recommended for Certification with the Ontario College of Teachers. If a candidate is dissatisfied with a deferral decision, he or she may follow the Appeals process. The Professional Competencies review process is further outlined in the Bachelor of Education Program Handbook.