Additional Undergraduate Degree Requirements
- Simultaneous Degrees: Different Designation
- Sequential Degrees: BA/BSc
- Sequential Degrees: Other Designations
- Honours Degrees: Post-General
- Honours Degrees: Post Four-Year BA/BSc
Students may enrol in a program of study leading to two separate and distinct undergraduate honours degrees, given the following guidelines:
- Each of the honours degrees must be of a different designation; e.g., a BA concurrently with a BSc, a BMus concurrently with a BA. Students may pursue multiple honours degrees from the same faculty sequentially, according to regulations already in place. Students may pursue a degree and a diploma sequentially according to extant regulations.
- Entry into a program of study simultaneously leading to two separate and distinct undergraduate honours degrees will be considered only after the student has successfully completed the equivalent of 5.0 credits.
- For the duration of a program of study simultaneously leading to two separate and distinct undergraduate honours degrees, the student's program of registration will be the program with the higher WGU value, tuition fee and ancillary fees. Where the values of these items are similar, the student's faculty of registration will be at the discretion of the vice-president: academic.
- Two types of approval are necessary for entry into a program of study leading to two separate, distinct and simultaneous undergraduate honours degrees. First, both departments in which the student is registering must authorize the program of study before enrolment in such a program can begin. Second, a copy of the program of study, signed by the relevant deans or their delegates, must be forwarded to the Office of Enrolment Services - Records Department. This copy will be placed in the student's academic file.
- Unless otherwise specified in the program outline placed in the student's academic file, the adjudication and graduation requirements of a program of study simultaneously leading to two separate and distinct undergraduate honours degrees will be the simple conjunction of all requirements of each of the separate single honours degrees, other than those concerning the total number of credits required for each single honours degree. Normally, a course required by both degrees will count towards both. Normally, a course that is required by one degree program and that is equivalent to a course required by the second program will be counted toward both. Non-departmental electives will also normally count towards both honours degrees.
- If a student fails to meet the progression requirements of the program of study simultaneously leading to two separate and distinct undergraduate honours degrees, the student will be removed from it and placed in the standard single-degree honours program with the progression requirements that the student has met.
- Notwithstanding any of the above, a program of study simultaneously leading to two separate and distinct undergraduate honours degrees will normally require students to complete a minimum of 10.0 credits over and above the minimum credits required for the more demanding of the two constituent honours degrees.
Also refer to the BBA double degree program requirements.
An honours BA or BSc may be awarded to a student who has already completed either a BA or a BSc when that student successfully completes an approved minimum number of senior credits (normally 10.0 credits) beyond the minimum requirements of the first degree. Such a program must be structured within a discipline different from that of the major(s) or honour(s) program(s) of the first degree, and must be approved by the department in which the student is majoring and by the dean of the faculty in which the second degree is taken. This regulation also applies to transfer students with degrees from other universities.
Refer to the Honours Degrees: Post-General section which follows regarding obtaining an honours degree in the same discipline after completion of a general degree program.
Students who have already obtained an undergraduate degree [e.g., BBA, BMus (excluding the BA or BSc)] may earn an additional different undergraduate honours degree designation. Such students will be required to complete a minimum number of credits (normally 10.0 credits) beyond the minimum requirements of the first degree as approved by the dean of the faculty in which the second honours degree is taken.
Note: The Honours BBA program is not available as a sequential degree.
Laurier students who have graduated with a general degree and wish to proceed to an honours degree may apply to the department to do so. Normally, students must complete all departmental honours requirements and any exception to this must be approved by the relevant dean. A minimum of 5.0 credits while registered in the post-degree honours program is required. With the approval of the department and relevant dean, a student may be admitted into a post-general degree honours program on probation (with the exception of all honours BA and BSc programs). Upon completion of the honours degree requirement, the student's record will be altered to indicate that the general degree has been superseded.
- Consult the Dean's Office in the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Human & Social Sciences, the Faculty of Liberal Arts or Faculty of Science or Economics Department in the School of Business and Economics for specific faculty regulations pertaining to the post-general Honours degree.
- In order to ensure that all program requirements are met, students will typically exceed the 5.0 credit minimum in the post-degree honours program, if their general degree did not contain courses in the same discipline.
Laurier students who have graduated with a four-year BA/BSc degree with a major and wish to proceed to an honours degree in the same discipline may apply to the department to do so. Normally, students must complete all departmental honours requirements and any exception to this must be approved by the relevant dean. A minimum of 2.0 credits while registered in the post-degree honours program is required. Students may not attempt more than 5.0 credits to achieve a post-degree honours designation. With the approval of the department and relevant dean, a student may be admitted into a post-degree honours program. Upon completion of the honours degree requirement, the student's record will be altered to indicate that the degree has been superseded.
- Consultation with an academic advisor in the appropriate dean's office for specific faculty regulations pertaining to the post-Bachelor honours degree is required. All other academic regulations pertaining to progression requirements apply.
- This policy does not apply to transfer students who have obtained a first degree at another institution.