The Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate teacher education programs are both full-time for two academic years (August through May), and are intensive professional programs leading to a Bachelor of Education degree. The coursework completed during the program involves extensive experiential components including class discussion, small group applied activities, simulations, demonstrations, student-led practice activities and presentations, and so forth. Regular attendance and participation in these activities enables students to develop the knowledge and skills required for excellence in the teaching profession.
Both in the academic coursework and field experiences in the professional development schools students are required to demonstrate high levels of academic and professional integrity. One way of demonstrating such integrity is through regular, punctual attendance and active participation in classes and in field placements. Therefore, regular attendance and punctuality are mandatory in all classes and at all school-based activities in the BEd program. Irregular attendance will be reported through the Dispositions process and may result in the student being required to withdraw from a course or, in more chronic or serious cases, to withdraw from the program.
Students are required to attend all scheduled orientations, seminars, PDS field days and days of their PDS practica to qualify for graduation from the WLU Bachelor of Education Program. Any and all absences must be reported to the Faculty of Education. An online Field Absence Report form has been designed for this purpose and is available under the Student Section of our web pages. Failure to comply with reporting of absences by completing and submitting the online Field Absence Report is a breach of integrity and may result in being required to withdraw from the program.
- 8.1 Absences from Class
Course instructors will take attendance at all class meetings. In cases of student absence, the course instructor will determine whether make up work is appropriate or not.
- 8.1.1 Illness or Bereavement
Student Responsibilities: The following are guidelines. If your specific situation does not match either of the scenarios described, you should speak directly with your instructor and do whatever you can to demonstrate responsibility and professionalism.
a. If you must miss one or two classes due to illness or bereavement:
b. If you miss an assignment deadline or a test:
- Inform your instructor beforehand, if possible, or at the earliest possible opportunity;
- Complete any missed or make-up work that your instructor assigns; late penalties normally will apply (see course syllabus).
c. If you miss more than 20% of the classes in a particular course:
- Inform your instructor in writing beforehand, if possible, or at the earliest possible opportunity;
- Late penalties normally will apply (see course syllabus).
- You are responsible for all work missed while absent and for any make-up work an instructor may deem necessary.
- Make-up work for students who miss classes, assignments, or tests for any reason may be assigned by instructors at their discretion. In recognizing that much of the required learning and application of concepts and ideas takes place in the context of in-class activities, make-up work is meant to ensure that an adequate amount of relevant work is completed for a course, even if it is not exactly the same work that other students complete. Instructors will ensure that any assigned make-up work is completed satisfactorily but are not obliged to mark it or return it to the student.
- Inform your instructor in writing beforehand, if possible, or at the earliest possible opportunity;
- Absences of more than 20% of classes may result in a requirement that the student withdraw from the course. This situation will be referred to the Dean's Office.
- If an extended absence is required due to illness or bereavement, the student may apply to Temporarily Withdraw from the program and repeat the courses and any relevant practica the following academic year.
- 8.1.2 Religious Observances
In accordance with the Faculty of Education and Wilfrid Laurier University policies related to equity and diversity, students in the Faculty of Education will not be penalized for absences for the purpose of religious observances. The following policy therefore is included in the Faculty of Education section of the Undergraduate Academic Calendar:
No student should be refused admission or be expelled because he or she is unable to participate in any examination, study, or work requirement because of his or her religious holy day requirements. An opportunity will be provided to make up any examination, study, or work requirements that may have been missed because of an absence due to a religious observance providing the instructor and/or Professional Development School site has been notified in writing as early in the term as possible but no later than two weeks before the absence. No fees will be charged to the student for the costs incurred by the University for such make-up work. No adverse or prejudicial effect should result to any student who avails herself or himself of its provisions. Students are responsible for obtaining materials and making up any missed work. Verification of holy days may be requested.
- 8.1.3 Absences for other Reasons
Normally, illness, bereavement, and religious observance are the only acceptable reasons for missing classes. Students who choose to be absent for other reasons, or who feel they must miss class for other reasons, are required to consult with their instructors and, if this absence results in the total number of absences from sessions in a course exceeding 20%, refer to Section i (3). If possible, consultation should take place before the absence occurs. Students who do not consult appropriately will be reported through the Dispositions process and may be asked to withdraw from the course.
- 8.2 Absences from Field Placements
Students are required to attend all scheduled camps, seminars, PDS field days and days of their PDS practica to qualify for graduation from the WLU Bachelor of Education program. It is the student's responsibility to contact the PDS site prior to any absence. As with classes, regular and punctual attendance is mandatory at all field days and practica.
- 8.2.1 Practicum Placements
Full attendance at each practicum is mandatory. Only legitimate absences are permitted (e.g., sickness, death in the family, extraordinary circumstances) and these must be reported to the Field Experience Officer by submitting an Absence Report (PDS). In addition to online submission of the Field Absence report, a printed copy of the completed report form must be included in the students' Practical Experience Binder in the appropriate section.
Absences within any one practicum that constitute more than 20% of the scheduled practicum days will result in the practicum being deemed Incomplete. The student may be permitted to make up the practicum by completing another full block placement. Students should refer to sections 6.7 (Incomplete Standing in Practicum) and 6.10 (Administrative Withdrawal) for other related policies.
- 8.2.2 Field Days
Only legitimate absences from field days are permitted (e.g., sickness, death in the family, extraordinary circumstances) and these must be reported to the Field Experience Officer by submitting a Field Absence Report. In addition to online submission of the Field Absence report, a printed copy of the completed report form must be included in the students' Practical Experience Binder, .
Absences from field days of more than 10% in a semester (i.e., 1.5 days per semester) are considered chronic absenteeism, which will be taken into account in the Dispositions Review Process. Students who have chronic absenteeism may not be permitted to attend the next upcoming practicum. That practicum will be considered Incomplete. Students should refer to sections 6.7 (Incomplete Standing in Practicum) and 6.10 (Administrative Withdrawal) for other related policies.