Academic Standards

  • 6.1 Progression requirements:
    Bachelor of Education (BEd) students progress from Year 1 to Year 2 of the program if they successfully complete 5.0 EU credits with a minimum grade of 5.00 (C) in each course, an overall grade point average (GPA) of 8.00 (B), and a Pass grade (Satisfactory or above rating) in all practicum placements. Each practicum placement must be completed as a full-time, continuous teaching block in order to achieve a Pass grade. Also, by the end of Year 1, all Dispositions must be in Acceptable category or the TEC must be making satisfactory progress on an action plan to move all Dispositions to the Acceptable category.

    Graduation requirements: Bachelor of Education (BEd) students graduate if they successfully complete 10.0 EU credits with a minimum grade of 5.00 (C) in each course, an overall grade point average (GPA) of 8.00 (B), and a Pass grade (Satisfactory or above rating) in all practicum placements. Each practicum placement must be completed as a full-time, continuous teaching block in order to achieve a Pass grade. Normally all assignments for each course must be submitted in order to attain a passing grade for the course. Specific course requirements are delineated in the course syllabi.

  • 6.2 Grade equivalency chart from calendar and syllabi
    The Faculty of Education grading system follows that of the University (refer to University Undergraduate Regulations, Academic Regulations, Grades). However, most courses in the Faculty of Education use rubrics to assess coursework. The following chart reflects the grade conversion of rubric levels and percentages:

     90-100  4+  A+  12
     85-90  4  A  11
     80-84  4-  A-  10
     77-79  3+  B+  9
     73-76  3  B  8
     70-72  3-  B-  7
     67-69  2+  C+  6
     63-66  2  C  5
     60-62  2-  C-  4
     57-59  1+  D+  3
     53-56  1  D  2
     50-52  1-  D-  1
     0-49 Below
    level 1
     F  0

  • 6.3 Language proficiency
    All students must demonstrate the ability to write proficiently in the language of instruction. Work which shows a lack of proficiency in the language of instruction is unacceptable for academic credit, and will either be failed or, at the discretion of the instructor, returned to the student for revision to a literate level.

  • 6.4 Late penalties
    Students who cannot meet an assignment deadline are required to consult with the course instructor; this consultation must occur before the assignment is due and during the normal work week. If the instructor is not consulted prior to the due date, the assignment may not be accepted. Normally, the only acceptable reasons for late or missed assignments are illness or extreme compassionate circumstances. Late assignments may be penalized at a rate of 5% per day, and may not be accepted more than 5 calendar days after the due date unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor.

  • 6.5 Incomplete Standing in University Courses
    A student who is unable, due to medical or compassionate reasons, to complete coursework before the last day of classes should request an extension from their instructor in writing. If the request for an extension is granted, a Request for Incomplete Standing form is to be completed and signed by the student, then submitted for approval to the instructor and the Dean. If the request is approved, the student will be assigned an Incomplete grade using the codes provided in LORIS, identifying a grade assigned with coursework missing. Once the required coursework is completed and marked, the grade will be changed in LORIS.

    Students who are assigned an Incomplete grade must complete all course requirements no later than 6 weeks after the last class meeting for the relevant course. If, after that period, the course is not completed or an extension has not been granted by the Dean, a grade "F" will be recorded on the student's academic record.

    In order to be considered for a further extension of the completion date beyond the normal 6-week period, a student must submit a written request to the Dean, signed by the instructor, explaining the reasons for requesting such an extension. Under no circumstances may a completion date exceed six months from the last day of the relevant class.

  • 6.6 Unsuccessful Rating in Practicum

    A TEC who earns an Unsatisfactory rating has two options:

    (Option 1) The TEC can repeat up to one practicum and must follow the completion guidelines outlined in section of the Student Handbook. The Field Experience Officer will arrange an appropriate alternative placement. The Field Supervisor will also work with the TEC to develop a written Practicum Action Plan which will be added to the TEC's file at the Faculty of Education. A second Unsatisfactory rating results in dismissal from the program.

    (Option 2) A TEC can choose, instead of rescheduling a practicum, to initiate a formal Appeal process regarding the failed practicum (see Section 5.7 of the Student Handbook, Petitions and Appeals).

  • 6.7 Incomplete Standing in Practicum

    Full attendance at each practicum is mandatory. Only legitimate absences are permitted (e.g., sickness, death in the family, extraordinary circumstances) and these must be reported to the Field Experience Officer by submitting an Absence Report (PDS) found online in the Student Portal, under TEC forms. Absences within any one practicum that constitute more than 20% of the scheduled practicum days will result in the practicum being deemed Incomplete. When a practicum is deemed Incomplete, the Associate Teacher will indicate this on the Practicum Evaluation Form and submit it to the Faculty of Education no later than two weeks after the conclusion of the practicum period. The student may be permitted to make up the practicum by completing another full block placement. Only one practicum block will normally be approved for re-scheduling and must follow the completion guidelines outlined in section 6.8 below (section of the Student Handbook).

  • 6.8 Rescheduling Practicum Blocks

    All Placement blocks (including Field Day Block, Practicum Blocks and Alternative Placement) must be completed in the order originally scheduled, as outlined in section 3.2.1 of the Student Handbook. If a placement block must be rescheduled for any reason (incomplete or unsuccessful), it will be completed in the time period originallyscheduled for the subsequent block. For example, if the Field Day Block is incomplete it will be rescheduled during Practicum 1; subsequently, Practicum 1 would be rescheduled to take place during the Practicum 2 block, Practicum 2 would take place during the Practicum 3 block, and the Alternative Placement would take place during May or June.

    The same scheduling rules will apply in Year 2 of the program, where any rescheduled practicum blocks will take place during the subsequent block. If this occurs, the 10-week Laurier Professional Placement may follow immediately after Practicum 5, may commence following a short break of no more than one week for observation purposes, or may be scheduled during the following academic year.

    If extraordinary circumstances prevent a TEC from completing all practica before the end of June of Year 1, the Year 1 practica will be scheduled during the following academic year; in that case the TEC would need to return for a third academic year to complete all courses and Practicum blocks for Year 2 of their program.

    Permission to re-schedule a practicum is at the discretion of the Dean in consultation with the Field Experience Officer. Where absences are deemed to be unjustified, the student will not be permitted to schedule a make‐up practicum and will be required to withdraw from the program. Scheduling of any permitted make-up practicum placements will occur at the discretion of the the Field Experience Officer, Faculty of Education, in consultation with the Field Supervisor and the TEC. In order to make arrangements to re-schedule a practicum, the student will be required to complete a Petition for Exception to Academic Regulations form. This form is available on the Faculty of Education web pages, under the "Student Portal", TEC Forms.

  • 6.9 Academic Probation
    Students are placed on Academic Probation when they have failed to meet and/or maintain academic expectations of the Bachelor of Education program. Such failure occurs when the student's cumulative GPA falls below "B" (8.00) at the end of any semester. In order to clear probation students must raise the cumulative GPA to at least 8.00 (B) by the end of the probationary period, which will extend to the end of the first five-week block in the subsequent semester. The cumulative GPA calculated to determine whether or not the student has cleared probation will include all credits or partial credits completed by the end of the probationary period. A student who fails to clear probation based on GPA requirements after completing the first five-week block of the next semester will normally be required to withdraw from the program.

  • 6.10 Administrative Withdrawal

    In the event that a student has one Incomplete practicum and one Unsuccessful practicum, or two Incomplete practica (either of which requires two practica to be deferred), the student may be required to withdraw from the program and defer the remaining courses and practica to the following academic year.

    Failure in course work, practica and/or dispositions assessments will normally result in the student being required to withdraw from the program. Independent assessments of the student's performance will be collected from course instructors, Field Supervisors, PDS principals, and Associate Teachers who have worked with the student. If the preponderance of the evidence shows that the student is unsuitable for the profession, the student will be withdrawn from the program.

  • 6.11 Voluntary Withdrawal

    Students may withdraw voluntarily, without academic penalty, prior to deadlines published in the Undergraduate Academic Calendar (refer to Academic Dates for the appropriate terms). It is recommended that students consult with the Dean's Office before withdrawing. In such cases, the students must drop all their courses on LORIS in order to withdraw from the program and the University.

  • 6.12 Temporary Withdrawal

    Student requests for Temporary Withdrawal from the program will be considered only under serious medical circumstances or for compassionate reasons. If a Temporary Withdrawal is granted, credit will be given for any courses for which all requirements have been completed. Depending on the timing of the withdrawal, credit for field days and block practicum placements may not be granted. The student must withdraw from the University and may not attend their PDS site for the remainder of the academic year without the approval of the PDS principal and the Field Experience Officer. In the subsequent academic year, the student may be assigned to a new PDS site for the year. The student must register in and complete all courses which were not completed successfully previously.

    Students should normally meet with the Dean or Associate Dean and/or the Field Experience Officer before making a formal request for Temporary Withdrawal from the program, in order to discuss their situation and options. When requesting a Temporary Withdrawal from the program, students must submit to the Dean's Office a written request indicating the reason why a Temporary Withdrawal is being requested and, if the reason is a medical concern, a medical certificate and any other documentation that may be relevant in supporting their request. Students must contact the Dean's Office at least six weeks prior to the term registration period to confirm their intention to return to the program.

  • 6.13 Program Time Limits

    The normal time frame for completion of the program is two academic years (August through May). However, under extenuating circumstances, such as an incomplete practicum or a temporary withdrawal due to medical or compassionate reasons, some program requirements may need to be completed in the subsequent academic year. The maximum time limit in which the program must be completed is three academic years from the date of first registration.