Fee Procedures
NOTE: Fees are subject to change without notice based on approval by the Board of Governors.
Students are indebted to the university and are responsible for the payment of all fees that arise from registration and course drop/withdrawal penalties.
A student is considered registered when a student completes registration in courses either via the web using the Laurier Online Registration Information System (LORIS), or by submission and approval of the appropriate forms to Enrolment Services.
For those applicable, students are also responsible for residence fees incurred under the operations and procedures of the residence accommodation undertaking.
Precise costs of texts, media material and online learning fees for each online learning course are available on the Online Learning Guidelines section of the Centre for Online Learning website. The charge for media material is refundable if returned by the date for the term specified on the Online Learning Guidelines webpage.
Address Information/Changes
It is important, and the student's responsibility, to ensure that address information is up-to-date and accurate in case of emergency or important correspondence that would be mailed. Updating addresses is easily done through LORIS. In order to revise your address, login to LORIS, select the Personal Information tab> Update Address(es) and Phone(s).
Read the instructions for updating carefully