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- Department of Biology
- Graduate Program Co-ordinator: Michael Wilkie, PhD
- Faculty of Science | MSc
- Department of Business
- Contact Information …
- Lazaridis School of Business and Economics | MBA, MBA, MFin, MFin, MSc, MSc, MSc, PhD, GDip, MBA/MIPP, MSCM
- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Graduate Program Co-ordinator: Lillian DeBruin, PhD
- Faculty of Science | MSc
- Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
- Graduate Program Co-ordinator: Margaret Walton-Roberts, PhD…
- Faculty of Science | MA, MES, MSc, PhD
- Department of Mathematics
- Graduate Program Co-ordinator: Cristina Stoica, PhD
- Faculty of Science | MSc, PhD
- Department of Psychology
- Graduate Program Co-ordinator: David White, PhD
- Faculty of Science | MA, MSc, PhD
- Master of Science in Chemistry
- The objective of the MSc program is to provide students with comprehensive training in chemistry and biochemistry from the combination of course work and independent research in a multidisciplinary environment. Knowledge and research skills acquired in…
- Faculty of Science � Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry | MSc
- Master of Science in Geography
- The objective of the MSc program is to refine critical, scholarly, scientific and professional skills. Students are prepared for careers in the environmental sciences and in science-oriented fields of geomatics. Graduates will gain competence in…
- Faculty of Science � Department of Geography and Environmental Studies | MSc
- Master of Science in Integrative Biology
- The objective of the MSc program in integrative biology is to provide students with a trans-disciplinary approach to biological research that allows them to explore the answers to complex questions from a perspective that bridges the traditional…
- Faculty of Science � Department of Biology | MSc
- Master of Science in Management
- The Master of Science in management program trains students to become independent research investigators in their chosen fields of study. It also prepares students for doctoral work. The program offers three fields of specialization: organizational…
- Lazaridis School of Business and Economics � Department of Business | MSc
14 results
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