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Business (Waterloo Campus)
BBA, Double degrees, Specializations, Concentrations, Core, Diploma programs:
Lazaridis School of Business and Economics | BA (Honours), BSc (Honours), BSc (Honours), BBA (Honours), BBA (Honours), BBA (Honours), BBA (Honours), BBA (Honours), BBA (Honours), diplBusAdm, Op, Mi, Mi, Conc
Ancient Studies
Honours BA, Combined BA program, and Minor…
Faculty of Arts | BA (Honours), CombBA (Honours), Mi
Anthropology Program
Anthropology opens students to the many ways in which…
Faculty of Arts | CombBA (Honours), Op, Mi, Spec
Arabic (Lang/Lit)
Faculty of Arts | Mi
Archaeology and Heritage Studies
Honours BA program, Honours BA Combined, Minor:Archaeology is the study of human culture worldwide through the physical remains left by earlier peoples. Modern archaeology is concerned with the preservation of archaeological resources on the local…
Faculty of Arts | BA (Honours), CombBA (Honours), CombBSc (Hons), Mi
Honours BSc, BA, Combination and Joint programs and Minor:
Faculty of Science | BA (Honours), BSc (Honours), BSc (Honours), BSc (Honours), BSc (Honours), CombBA (Honours), CombBSc (Hons), CombBSc (Hons), CombBSc (Hons), Op, Mi, Conc, Spec
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Honours BSc, Joint programs and Minor:
Faculty of Science | BSc (Honours), BSc (Honours), BSc (Honours), BSc (Honours), BSc (Honours), BSc (Honours), CombBSc (Hons), CombBSc (Hons), CombBSc (Hons), Mi, Mi, Conc
Christian Studies and Global Citizenship Program
Martin Luther University College | BA (Honours), CombBA (Honours), Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi, Spec, Spec
Communication Studies
Communication Studies is the interdisciplinary study of language, media…
Faculty of Arts | BA (Honours), BA (Honours), CombBA (Honours), CombBA (Honours), Mi, Mi, Conc, Co-op
Computer Science (PC/CP Dept)
Honours BSc, BA, Double Degrees and Minor:
Faculty of Science | BA (Honours), BA (Honours), BSc (Honours), BSc (Honours), BSc (Honours), CombBA (Honours), CombBSc (Hons), CombBSc (Hons), CombBSc (Hons), CombBSc (Hons), CombBSc (Hons), BBA (Honours), Op, Op, Certif, Mi, Conc
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