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- Ancient Studies
- Honours BA, Combined BA program, and Minor…
- Faculty of Arts | BA (Honours), CombBA (Honours), Mi
- Anthropology Program
- Anthropology opens students to the many ways in which…
- Faculty of Arts | CombBA (Honours), Op, Mi, Spec
- Archaeology and Heritage Studies
- Honours BA program, Honours BA Combined, Minor:Archaeology is the study of human culture worldwide through the physical remains left by earlier peoples. Modern archaeology is concerned with the preservation of archaeological resources on the local…
- Faculty of Arts | BA (Honours), CombBA (Honours), CombBSc (Hons), Mi
- Biology
- Honours BSc, BA, Combination and Joint programs and Minor:
- Faculty of Science | BA (Honours), BSc (Honours), BSc (Honours), BSc (Honours), BSc (Honours), CombBA (Honours), CombBSc (Hons), CombBSc (Hons), CombBSc (Hons), Op, Mi, Conc, Spec
- Christian Studies and Global Citizenship Program
- Martin Luther University College | BA (Honours), CombBA (Honours), Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi, Spec, Spec
- Communication Studies
- Communication Studies is the interdisciplinary study of language, media…
- Faculty of Arts | BA (Honours), BA (Honours), CombBA (Honours), CombBA (Honours), Mi, Mi, Conc, Co-op
- Computer Science (PC/CP Dept)
- Honours BSc, BA, Double Degrees and Minor:
- Faculty of Science | BA (Honours), BA (Honours), BSc (Honours), BSc (Honours), BSc (Honours), CombBA (Honours), CombBSc (Hons), CombBSc (Hons), CombBSc (Hons), CombBSc (Hons), CombBSc (Hons), BBA (Honours), Op, Op, Certif, Mi, Conc
- Criminology
- The Brantford Campus has developed a broad, comprehensive Honours BA Criminology program, which will suit students who wish to use criminology as a basis for a variety of different career paths.The Honours Criminology BA program is only available at the…
- Faculty of Human and Social Sciences | BA (Honours), CombBA (Honours), CombBA (Honours), BA, Dipl, Certif, Mi
- Cultural Studies Program
- Communication Studies Department
- Faculty of Arts | CombBA (Honours), Mi
- Economics
- Honours BA, Combination BA programs and Minor:
- Lazaridis School of Business and Economics | BA (Honours), BA (Honours), BA (Honours), BA (Honours), BA (Honours), BA (Honours), BA (Honours), CombBA (Honours), Op, Op, Certif, Certif, Mi, Mi, Spec, Co-op
94 results
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