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Honours BSc Geography with Environmental Science Option
The Environmental Science Option is available to students registered in Honours BSc programs in Biology, Chemistry or Geography…
Faculty of ScienceGeography (GG/ES) | BSc (Honours), Op
Honours BSc Health Sciences
The Honours BSc Health Sciences program consists of 20.0 credits, of which at most 7.0 credits may be at the 100 level and no more than 4.5 credits may be from disciplines outside the Faculty of Science. Electives must include at least a 0.5 credit from…
Faculty of ScienceHealth Sciences | BSc (Honours)
Honours BSc Mathematics
The Honours BSc Mathematics program consists of a minimum of 20.0 credits, including at least 9.0 but no more than 13.0 senior MA or ST credits. The program shall include no more than 7.0 100 level credits and must include the following…
Faculty of ScienceMathematics | BSc (Honours)
Honours BSc Physics
The aim of the program is to provide a broad foundation in physics with…
Faculty of SciencePhysics (PC/CP Dept) | BSc (Honours)
Honours BSc Psychology
The Honours BSc Psychology program provides students with a science education that includes broad exposure to the major sub-fields of psychology along with some specialization in biological aspects of psychology. It is designed to provide students with…
Faculty of SciencePsychology | BSc (Honours)
Honours BSc Psychology and Neuroscience
The Honours BSc Psychology and Neuroscience program provides students with a science education that includes broad exposure to the major sub-fields of psychology along with specialization in neuroscience. It is designed to provide students with the…
Faculty of SciencePsychology | BSc (Honours)
Honours BSc Science
The Honours BSc Science program requires a total minimum of 13.5 Science credits, which should include a minimum of 4.0 300- or 400-level science credits. The program also requires a minimum of 13.0 senior credits, including a minimum of 9.0 senior…
Faculty of ScienceHonours Science Program | BSc (Honours)
Honours BSc Water Science and Environmental Health
Water Science and Environmental Health
Faculty of ScienceBiology | BSc (Honours)
Honours BSc in Computer Science and Honours Bachelor of Business Administration
This program draws upon the quality and reputation of each of these…
Faculty of ScienceComputer Science (PC/CP Dept) | BSc (Honours), BBA (Honours)
Honours Bachelor of Business Administration and Honours Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
This program draws upon the quality and reputation of each of the respective programs in order to develop a unique educational experience for students in the field of business and computer science. The program provides qualified applicants the opportunity…
Lazaridis School of Business and EconomicsBusiness (Waterloo Campus) | BSc (Honours), BBA (Honours)
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