Undergraduate Certificate in Generative AI
The Generative AI Certificate allows Laurier undergraduate students to blend rigorous academic inquiry in their Honours BA disciplines with hands-on training in the application of generative AI technologies. The program aims to prepare students for the future of work by focusing on the ethical and socially responsible deployment of AI in social sciences, humanities, policy development, and beyond. Students will develop a portfolio showcasing their generative AI competencies, well-suited for diverse career opportunities in research, business, creative industries, and data management.
The Certificate consists of 2.0 credits and must be completed concurrently with the student's Honours program. (See Notes)
Required Courses (1.0 credit):
DH201 - Introduction to Generative AI
DH301 - Advanced Generative AI
Elective Area: Theory Society, and Ethics of Generative AI:
1.0 credit from the following:
AN347 - Science, Technology and Body Culture
AR250 - Digital Heritage and Archaeology
AR341 - Analytical Archaeology and Data Management
CP103 - Principles of Computer Programming (See Note 2)
CP104 - Introduction to Programming (See Note 2)
CP164 - Data Structures I
CP264 - Data Structures II
CP322 - Machine Learning
CP373 - Ethics and Professional Practice in Computer Science
CP421 - Data Mining
CP422 - Programming for Big Data
CP423 - Text Retrieval and Search Engines
CP468 - Artificial Intelligence
DH100 - Digital Creativity
DH200 - Digital Narratives
DH299 - Special Topics in Digital Humanities
DH300 - Digital Editing and Publishing
DH300 - Digital Editing and Publishing
DH399 - Advanced Special Topics in Digital Humanities
HI260 - History on Film
HI286 - Interpreting Digital Data
HP201 - The Ethics and Philosophy of Science
HP202 - Science in the Modern World, From 1800 to the Present
ML103 - Digital Valhallas: The Vikings in Video Games
ML305 - Medievalism in Video Games
ML306 - Medievalism and the Digital
PO344 - Writing for Politics and Policy
PP201 - Reasoning and Argumentation
PP204 - Formal Logic
PP214 - Philosophy of Mind
PP225 - Theories of Knowledge
PP229 - Theories of Reality
PP240 - Special Topics
Additional special topics courses may be permitted at the discretion of the Digital Humanities program coordinator with prior permission.
1. While DH201 and DH301 must be taken sequentially, students may enrol in these courses any time between Year 2 and Year 4 of the Honours program.
2. Only one of CP103 or CP104 may count for credit toward the certificate.