Certificate in Global Crime and Justice

The certificate in Global Crime and Justice consists of 2.0 credits and is available in online format on a part-time basis. 

Required Courses: 2.0 credits (courses are 0.25 credits each)

UNDC100° - Introduction to the UNODC
UNDC101° - Integrity and Ethics in Promoting Culture of the Rule of Law
UNDC102° - Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
UNDC103° - Trafficking in Persons/Smuggling of Migrants
UNDC200° - Anti-Corruption
UNDC201° - Transnational Organized Crime
UNDC202° - Illicit Misuse and Trafficking of Firearms
UNDC203° - Digital Technologies and Crime
UNDC204° - Wildlife, Forest and Fisheries Crime
UNDC205° - Counter-Terrorism

Additional Information

  1. Students must complete eight courses (2.0 credits, 0.25 credits per course) with a minimum GPA of 4.0 in all courses taken in the program in order to satisfy certificate completion.
  2. Available in online part-time basis.