Music and Cultural History Option
The Music and Cultural History Option provides students with an opportunity to deepen their knowledge about music's connection to the field of cultural history. The option is designed both for Music majors interested in contextualizing their studies in history and theory and for non-Music students seeking to enhance their musical appreciation and understanding.
The Music and Cultural History Option consists of 4.0 credits, taken from the list of recommended courses. Students with a minimum overall GPA of 7.0 at the end of Years 1 to Year 3 are eligible to apply for the option. A cumulative GPA of 7.00 in the courses specific to the Music and Cultural History Option is required to graduate. At least 3.0 of the required 4.0 credits in the option must be completed at Wilfrid Laurier University. Completion of the option requirements will result in a "Music and Cultural History Option" designation on the student transcript. The option is open to all students.
Music majors shall be permitted to apply MU121 and MU274 toward completion of this option; music majors may not count any other MU courses towards completion of this option.
Bachelor of Arts students are required to take a minimum of 1.0 credit of MU courses to complete this option. Note that some of these courses may have prerequisites that must be fulfilled before the course can be taken.
A minimum of 0.5 credits must be taken from the list of visual culture courses (HI234, HI260, HI308).
Recommended Courses:
HI251 - Show Business: An American History
HI260 - History on Film
HI308 - Renaissance Art
HI342 - Culture and Ideas in the Modern World: Descartes to Darwin
HI343 - Culture and Ideas in the Modern World: Marxism to Post-modernism
HI380 - American Culture and Society, 1890-1950
HI381 - American Culture and Society since the Second World War
HI387 - American Protest Music
MU121 - History of Rock Music
MU274 - Women and Music
MU275 - Music of the World (*offered as an online course)
MU377 - Contemporary Music Since 1975
MU471 - Music and Medievalism
MU472 - Cross-Cultural Intersections
MU473 - Music in Popular Culture
MU474 - Music, Culture and Technology
MU475 - Studies in Music Aesthetics and Criticism