Option/Minor with BBA program
Students may choose to select their elective courses to meet the requirements for a minor/option (to a maximum of two) in a subject other than honours Business. Additional courses may be necessary to fulfill these requirements as well as those of the BBA program.
An honours BBA student may receive designation for no more than two minors/options, in addition to one BBA Concentration.
- Requirements for specific minors/options are included in the Departments section of the:
Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Music, Faculty of Science, School of Business and Economics - Economics Department and Martin Luther University College - A BBA student may not count BU255 (EC255) or BU275 toward the Economics minor.
- 1.0 credit (or equivalent) may be counted towards the minor requirements if taken on a Letter of Permission basis, or as a cross-registered student at the University of Waterloo.
- Mathematics Minor: the Faculty of Science will permit students who have completed two years of study in the BBA/BMath double degree program, but who subsequently decide to drop their affiliation with University of Waterloo, to obtain a mathematics minor with the BBA degree if they complete a minimum of 1.0 senior mathematics credits on the WLU campus. Students must still have completed the required courses, or their equivalents, in such a way that 3.5 credits constitute the minor.
- A minor consists of a minimum of 3.0 credits and allows a student to complete a secondary area of study in a subject (e.g., sociology, women's studies, philosophy) different from their honours discipline.
- The minimum requirement for the minor consists of 3.0 credits, no fewer than 2.0 of which shall be senior credits and no fewer than 2.0 of which shall be obtained at Wilfrid Laurier University. Students may not hold a minor in a subject in which they have an honours major or option.
- A minimum cumulative GPA of 4.5 is required on all courses of the minor subject(s).
- Students in the BBA program may not complete the Leadership Option nor the Leadership Minor.
- A minor is not available to students in the General BA or General BSc program without designation.