Honours BKin with Concentrations
Honours BKin students may declare one of the four modules listed below, as a concentration, and thus have it appear on their transcript. To do so, students must take a minimum of 2.5 credits in the module:
• Denotes by departmental approval only; topic dependent.
- Athletic Performance and Injury Management
- Movement, Health and Development
- Physical Activity Education and Promotion
- Sport Development and Management
- University Concentration Regulations
This concentration highlights evidence-based performance development, injury prevention, and rehabilitation concepts and practices in a range of athletic contexts (e.g., competitive sport, dance, and physically challenging occupations). Courses provide opportunities to delve into theory and best practices related to athletic performance development and injury prevention/management.
KP201 - Applied Movement Skills: Fitness and Strength Training (BKin)
KP202 - Applied Movement Skills: Endurance Sports
KP332 - Exercise Nutrition
KP340 - Special Topics •
KP351 - Biomechanics of Human Movement
KP361 - Sensorimotor Control and Learning Across the Lifespan
KP381 - Advanced Psychology of Sport and Exercise
KP422 - Advanced Exercise Physiology
KP425 - Neuromuscular Function in Exercise
KP426 - Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription
KP443 - Ethics in Sport, Physical Activity and Health
KP451 - Advanced Biomechanics
KP452 - Occupational Biomechanics and Ergonomics
KP464 - Movement Disorders and Clinical Neural Control
KP465 - Balance, Posture and Gait
KP466 - Seminar in Psychomotor Behaviour •
KP472 - Athletic Injuries
KP481 - Applied Psychology of Human Performance
KP483 - The Psychology of Injury Rehabilitation in Sport and Physical Activity
KP484 - Seminar in Psychology of Sport and Exercise •
KP491 - Research and Application in Kinesiology: Capstone Experiences •
This concentration deepens an understanding of, and ability to translate into practice, evidence-based concepts related to physical activity, healthy living, and human development. Courses provide opportunities to delve into theory and best practices focused on assisting individuals across the lifespan and in a range of movement contexts to engage in developmentally appropriate healthy lifestyles.
KP201 - Applied Movement Skills: Fitness and Strength Training (BKin)
KP202 - Applied Movement Skills: Endurance Sports
KP331 - Health and Illness Across the Lifespan
KP332 - Exercise Nutrition
KP340 - Special Topics •
KP351 - Biomechanics of Human Movement
KP361 - Sensorimotor Control and Learning Across the Lifespan
KP371 - Disability, Developmental Delays and Physical Activity
KP381 - Advanced Psychology of Sport and Exercise
KP422 - Advanced Exercise Physiology
KP425 - Neuromuscular Function in Exercise
KP426 - Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription
KP431 - Aging, Physical Activity and Health
KP434 - Epidemiology
KP435 - Exercise is Medicine
KP451 - Advanced Biomechanics
KP452 - Occupational Biomechanics and Ergonomics
KP460 - Children in Physical Activity
KP464 - Movement Disorders and Clinical Neural Control
KP465 - Balance, Posture and Gait
KP466 - Seminar in Psychomotor Behaviour •
KP471 - Adapted Physical Activity for Individuals with Disabilities
KP472 - Athletic Injuries
KP481 - Applied Psychology of Human Performance
KP482 - Behaviour Change and Physical Activity
KP483 - The Psychology of Injury Rehabilitation in Sport and Physical Activity
KP484 - Seminar in Psychology of Sport and Exercise •
KP491 - Research and Application in Kinesiology: Capstone Experiences •
This concentration emphasizes a conceptual and evidence-based understanding of lifelong physical education and physical activity promotion. Courses provide opportunities to delve into theory and best practices related to structuring/promoting physical activity/education programs and developing physical activity policies applicable across the lifespan.
KP311 - Gender and Media in Sport
KP331 - Health and Illness Across the Lifespan
KP340 - Special Topics •
KP341 - History of Physical Activity and Sport in Canada
KP343 - Sport Development, Governance, and Globalization
KP344 - Organization and Administration in Physical Activity and Sport
KP371 - Disability, Developmental Delays and Physical Activity
KP381 - Advanced Psychology of Sport and Exercise
KP431 - Aging, Physical Activity and Health
KP434 - Epidemiology
KP435 - Exercise is Medicine
KP441 - The Modern Olympic Games
KP442 - Marketing in Sport and Physical Activity
KP443 - Ethics in Sport, Physical Activity and Health
KP460 - Children in Physical Activity
KP471 - Adapted Physical Activity for Individuals with Disabilities
KP482 - Behaviour Change and Physical Activity
KP484 - Seminar in Psychology of Sport and Exercise •
KP491 - Research and Application in Kinesiology: Capstone Experiences
This concentration advances an understanding of the integration of sport into culture as well as concepts related to sport development and sport management. Courses provide opportunities to delve into theory and best practices related to organizing, administering, and promoting sport programs as well as using sport in various forms as a tool to address social issues.
KP311 - Gender and Media in Sport
KP340 - Special Topics •
KP341 - History of Physical Activity and Sport in Canada
KP343 - Sport Development, Governance, and Globalization
KP344 - Organization and Administration in Physical Activity and Sport
KP441 - The Modern Olympic Games
KP442 - Marketing in Sport and Physical Activity
KP443 - Ethics in Sport, Physical Activity and Health
KP491 - Research and Application in Kinesiology: Capstone Experiences