Honours Bachelor of Music
The Honours BMus is a four-year program beyond the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (refer to Undergraduate Admissions chapter for requirements). Depending on the program, a sequence of at least 14.0 Music credits together with at least 4.0 non-music credits is required; in addition to the remaining 2.0 MU/non-MU electives for a total of 20.0 credits.
Students admitted to the Community Music concentration enter the concentration in Year 1 and may be eligible to pursue other designated concentrations in senior years. All other students are admitted to the Common Year (CY) designation with no concentration selected in Year 1. Students in the Bachelor of Music (CY) complete a core of required courses designated to ensure that every student graduating the program has a sound knowledge of music history and theory, and is a competent performer. Normally, students in the BMus (CY) may apply for a concentration after Year 1 or upon completion of requirements for entry into their chosen concentration. Students may declare and gain acceptance into a concentration no later than the end of Year 3.
Registration in Applied Study Policies
- All Year 1 core requirements must be in progress while the student is enrolled in individual applied study (MU190A*/MU190B*).
- All Year 1 and Year 2 core music requirements must be completed or in progress while the student is enrolled in individual applied study ( MU296, MU290A*/MU290B*/MU290D‡).
- Students who drop core courses in the first 6 weeks of term may be de-registered from applied study.
- Students must be enrolled full-time while
registered in individual applied study
MU290A*/MU290B*/MU290D‡, MU296,
MU390A*/MU390B‡, MU396.)
Part-time registration may be allowed while enrolled in MU490A*/MU490B‡/MU490D depending on the student's program and by permission of the dean. - Applied Studio instruction (MU190, MU290, MU296, MU390, MU396, MU490, MU496) must be taken in consecutive years. If a student takes a year off, they must successfully complete an audition before resuming applied studio instruction.
- Studio courses may not be repeated, except by petition under extraordinary circumstances. Keyboard Facility
- provide proof of completing a Grade VI exam in the form of an official certificate or a copy of examination results, completed within the previous 3 calendar years.
- attempt the Equivalency Exam
- display their current level of proficiency at the piano for workshop placement purposes
- Year 1 students may choose to pursue piano studies on their own in lieu of taking the workshop.
- All students who have not completed the Keyboard Facility requirement must re-test during Orientation week of Year 2. Students entering Year 2 of the program who have not passed the Equivalency Exam shall be placed on probation, and are strongly encouraged to enroll in the Keyboard Facility workshop.
- Any student who has not completed the Keyboard Facility requirement before the end of Year 2 shall be required to withdraw from the Faculty of Music. If such students pass the Equivalency Exam during Orientation Week of Year 3, they will be reinstated to the Faculty of Music in time to begin classes in September.
- The Equivalency Exams may be taken by a student entering Year 2 or Year 3 during Orientation week along with the incoming Year 1 students at no additional charge, or students may arrange for an exam to be administered at any time, arranged with the Piano Facility Co-ordinator, for a fee of $50.
- Failure to obtain the required standards in any year of the program will necessitate withdrawal from the program.
- Students in specialized programs (Composition, HTCA, IMA, and Performance) must at the end of each year be recommended by the faculty in order to continue in those programs.
- A student who satisfies the requirements for a musical skills course by placement examination must take a music elective in its place.
- Non-music minor: students may, in consultation with the department concerned, elect to organize their non-music electives to meet the requirements for a minor. (Refer to the Regulations Governing Minors and the Departments section of the: Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Music, Faculty of Science, School of Business and Economics - Economics Department and Martin Luther University College.
- For the Progression/Graduation Requirements and Probation regulations, consult the University Undergraduate Regulations chapter.
With the exception of piano and organ majors, all students who have not completed Royal Conservatory Grade VI Piano (or equivalent) prior to entering the B.Mus. program must demonstrate proficiency at this level before proceeding to Year 3. For those who have not completed a Grade VI Exam, successful completion of an Equivalency Exam may be used to fulfill the piano requirement.
Students in Community Music are exempt from the Keyboard Facility policy, however those who intend to apply to the Bachelor of Music Therapy program or the IMA concentration must fulfill these requirements.
All incoming and transfer students will be required to sign up for a placement interview during Orientation week. The placement interview is an opportunity for students to:
Students unable to pass the Equivalency Exam are strongly recommended to take the Piano Facility workshop. This workshop is offered to assist students to prepare for the Equivalency Exam, which is administered as part of the workshop at no additional charge. Students may register for the Keyboard Facility workshop through the Laurier Conservatory, which may be taken as often as needed.
Progression Policies
Programs of Study:
- Community Music
- Composition
- Integrated Musical Arts
- Music Education
- Music History, Theory and Critical Analysis
- Performance
- Self-Directed Studies
The Bachelor of Music, Community Music concentration consists of 20.0 credits, of which at least 12.0 and no more than 16.0 credits may be MU courses; 9.0 MU credits at the 200 level or higher are required to graduate. The following courses are required for this concentration:
Required Courses (10 credits):
MU100, MU141, MU142, MU145A°, MU145B°, MU146 or MU181, MU194, MU195
MU200, MU240, MU242, MU243, MU246 or MU281, MU245A°, MU245B°, MU295G* or MU295K*
MU340, MU341, MU346 or MU381
2.0 credits of Music electives, chosen from any single category of:
C (Culture and Society), S (Style and Structure), or P (Performance and Production) courses [Link to course category list].
1.0 credit of unrestricted Music electives.
4.0 credits of non-music electives
3.0 Music or non-music electives to total 20.0 credits.
Students wishing to devise their electives to satisfy the entrance requirements of a Faculty of Education should select courses under the advisement of the Co-ordinator of the Music Education area.
Community Music students are encouraged to use their non-music electives to satisfy the requirements of a minor or option in another discipline.
- Students may apply up to 0.5 credits from the Conestoga Modern Audio Arts courses to the Performance/Production category.
- Community Music students are encouraged to consider the following Minors/Options:
Applied Digital Option, Christian Studies and Global Citizenship Option, Christian Studies and Global
Song Option, Community Engagement Option, Film Production Option, Legal Studies Option, Music and Cultural History Option, Education Minor, Social Entrepreneurship Option. - Note that some of the options and minors may contain additional prerequisite courses.
- A maximum of two minors/options are allowed in a degree program.
Students in the Composition concentration are required to write works for various ensembles and to participate in a Composition master class. Those students wishing to continue in Composition beyond Year 2:
- Must have completed all 2nd year core requirements (MU237°, MU268 or MU264*, MU271, MU281, MU290A*),
- Must have a minimum Music GPA of 7.0,
- Must submit a portfolio of their work to the composition faculty for their recommendation to the concentration.
Upon approval and registration in the Composition concentration, students may enrol in Year 3 and Year 4 composition courses (MU360* and MU460*), which can be taken by composition majors only.
During Year 3 and Year 4, students study individually with members of the faculty; in the final year students write an extended work as their graduation composition. A student in the Bachelor of Music, Composition concentration must complete 20.0 credits, of which at least 14.5 and no more than 16.0 credits may be MU courses; 9.0 senior level MU credits are required to graduate. The following courses are required for the Composition concentration:
Required Courses:
MU100, MU136°, MU137°, MU160, MU161, MU162, MU181, MU190A*
MU236°, MU237°, MU251T, MU252, MU260A, MU260B, MU266, MU268, MU270, MU271,
MU281, MU290A*
MU336°, MU337°, MU360*; (MU298* or MU381); MU396
MU460*, MU496
0.5 credit chosen from: MU361, MU342, MU461, MU463
0.5 credit chosen from: MU375, MU377
4.0 credits non-music electives
Music or non-music electives for a total of 20.0 credits.
- MU264* may count in lieu of MU266 and MU268.
- For students who take MU390 and MU490, the extra half credit(s) earned shall count as music electives.
Integrated Musical Arts is an experiential, project-centred learning concentration. It is designed for musicians who are interested in integrating a collection of musical skills in order to enter the music profession in production, performance, and composition or song-writing after graduation.
In the IMA concentration, each student is required to complete self-directed projects in three different musical disciplines chosen from the categories of creation, production and performance. Students must complete three projects, but no more than two can be in the same project category. With the help of the IMA concentration director, each student chooses their three project disciplines at the end of second year of study; in consultation with the director, the student sketches out a plan for electives to support the
Students may apply for entry to the IMA concentration at the end of year 2, upon completion of 10.0 credits while enrolled in the year 1 and 2 in any BMus concentration, including at least 1.0 non-music credit. Students in the IMA concentration who have the necessary prerequisites may enrol in MU396 and MU496. Admission to the concentration is competitive, based on the availability of advisors and on the quality of the student proposals.
In addition to a completed and approved IMA proposal, students entering IMA from the CY (Common Year) stream must complete:
MU100, MU136°, MU137°, MU161, MU162, MU181, MU190A*
MU236°, MU237°, MU266, MU268, MU270, MU271, MU281, MU290A*
1.0 credit of non-music electives
1.5 credits of music or non-music electives to total 10.0 credits
In addition to a completed and approved IMA proposal, students entering IMA from the CM (Community Music) stream must complete:
MU100, MU141, MU142, MU145A°, MU145B°, MU146 or MU181, MU194, MU195
MU200, MU240, MU242, MU243, MU245A°, MU245B°, MU246 or MU281, MU295G* or MU295K*
1.0 credit of non-music electives
1.5 credits of music or non-music electives to total 10.0 credits
1.5 credits chosen from at least two of MU442, MU443, and MU444 series courses.
Note: these courses have prerequisites that students are responsible for meeting. Meeting these prerequisites will count toward the music elective requirements.
Additional non-music electives to total 4.0 credits non-music electives.
Additional music or non-music electives for a total of 20.0 credits, including at least 9.0 Music credits at the 200-level or above.
This concentration is designed for students wishing to pursue a career in teaching music at the elementary or secondary level. It combines the core Music credits of the BMus program with instruction in conducting, instrumental and choral techniques, and methods and philosophy of music education. A student in Music Education must complete 20.0 credits, of which at least 14.0 and no more than 16.0 credits may be MU courses; 9.0 senior level MU credits are required to graduate. The following courses are required for Music Education concentration:
Required Courses:
MU100, MU136°, MU137°, MU161, MU162, MU181, MU190A*
MU202, MU236°, MU237°, MU266, MU268, MU270, MU271, MU281, MU290A*
MU336°, MU337°, MU367, MU375, MU394; MU396 or MU390A*; MU496 or MU490A*;
Any two courses from: MU298*, MU381, MU481
0.5 credit chosen from: MU203, MU208
0.5 credit chosen from: MU358, MU494
0.5 credit chosen from MU372–378, MU342, MU361, MU461, MU463, MU470–475
1.5 credits from the MU201 series, including courses from three of the following groups, beyond the group of the principal practical study:
Percussion: MU201J
Brass: MU201F°, MU201M°, MU201N°, MU201O°
Woodwinds: MU201B°, MU201C°, MU201E°, MU201H°, MU201L°
Strings: MU201A°, MU201D°, MU201G°, MU201P, MU201Q°, MU201T°
Voice: MU201R
4.0 credits non-music electives
Music or non-music electives for a total of 20.0 credits.
- MU264* may count in lieu of MU266 and MU268.
- For students who take MU390 and MU490, the extra half credit(s) earned shall count as music electives.
- Students with sufficient documented proficiency on an instrument may be exempted from the relevant techniques (MU201) course; students are strongly discouraged from enrolling in more than two secondary instruments at one time.
- Non-music electives should be chosen so as to constitute preparation for teaching at least one other subject.
- MU251T is strongly recommended for students interested in teaching at the secondary level.
The Music History, Theory, and Critical Analysis concentration allows students to emphasize the academic and research-oriented courses in music. It serves as excellent preparation for graduate work in musicology, music theory, library science, or other allied disciplines for which a strong foundation of academic courses, research and analysis skills are important.
Admission to the Music History, Theory, and Critical Analysis concentration normally requires:
- a minimum GPA of 8.00 in the core academic courses (MU100, MU161, MU162, MU266, MU268, MU270, MU271);
- submission of an essay from any 200-level music or non-music course (minimum grade B-);
- demonstrated aptitude in core musical skills, and
- an interview with the Music History, Theory, and Critical Analysis faculty.
A student in Music History, Theory, and Critical Analysis must complete 20.0 credits, of which at least 15.0 and no more than 16.0 credits may be MU courses; 9.0 senior level MU credits are required to graduate.
The following courses are required for the Music History, Theory, and Critical Analysis concentration:
Required Courses (9.5–10.5 credits):
MU100, MU136°, MU137°, MU161, MU162, MU181, MU190A*
MU236°, MU237°, MU266, MU268, MU270, MU271, MU281, MU290A*
MU336°, MU337°, MU375, MU396 or MU390A*
MU496 or MU490A*
3.5 credits chosen from List A and List B courses, with at least a 0.5-credit from each list:
List A: MU359, MU372, MU373, MU374, MU376, MU377, MU378, MU470, MU471, MU472, MU473, MU474, MU478*, MU479
List B: MU342, MU361, MU461, MU463, MU475
2.0 credits Music Electives
1.0 credit in any combination of French, German, Italian or Latin.
3.0 additional credits non-music electives
Music or non-music electives for a total of 20.0 credits.
- MU264* may count in lieu of MU266 and MU268.
- For students who take MU390 and MU490, the extra half credit(s) earned shall count as music electives.
The Performance concentration is designed for students who intend to become professional performers and teachers of performance. Students who demonstrate at audition time or during Year 1 or Year 2, that they have the potential to succeed as performers may apply to enter this program. Students in Year 1 and Year 2 of the Performance program receive one-hour weekly lessons, and are encouraged to take part in noon hour student recitals. Students in Year 3 and Year 4 receive 1.5 hours of private instruction per week, and are required to take part in noon hour student recitals. In addition, students in year 4 are required to give a full-length formal recital. The total amount of individual studio instruction (combining applied study and composition) may not exceed 90 minutes per week (1.5 credits). Students who enrol in studio composition may not be eligible for MU390B‡ and MU490B‡.
Students in Performance violin (Year 3 and/or Year 4) may take 1 hour lessons on violin and half-hour lessons on viola (or vice-versa). Depending on the split, the student would be required to fulfill two thirds of his/her performance activity (recital, ensemble, chamber music) on the instrument for which 1 hour lessons are given and one third of his/her performance activity on the instrument for which half-hour lessons are given. If a student chooses this option in Year 4, the Graduation Recital would be split between the two instruments.
Term work will be averaged between the two instructors based on the proportion chosen (ex. 33% viola, 66%violin). There will be no change in grading procedure for the Graduation Recital or juries.
Required Courses for all Performance areas:
MU100, MU136°, MU137°, MU161, MU162, MU181, MU190A*
MU236°, MU237°, MU266, MU268, MU270, MU271, MU281, MU290B*
MU336°, MU337°, MU375, MU390B‡
0.5 credit chosen from MU372-378, MU342, MU361, MU461, MU463, MU470-475
4.0 credits in non-music electives
- MU264* may count in lieu of MU266 and MU268.
- If a request is made in writing and signed by a student and instructor, MU290D‡ (1.5 credits with 90 minute lessons) may be taken in place of MU290B* by permission of the dean. In this case, MU390A* will be taken for 1.0 credit only (1 hour lessons) in place of MU390B‡.
Additional credits required in specified performance areas:
- Guitar: 1.0 credit chosen from MU283, MU381, and MU383 1.5 credits of Music electives
- Orchestral Instruments: MU381, MU387, MU481
1.0 Music elective credit
Music or non-music electives for a total of 20.0 credits.
Students whose principal instrument is violin, viola, or violoncello must take 1.5 credits from MU183, MU283, MU383 and MU483;
those whose principal instrument is brass or woodwind (except Saxophone) or harp must take 1.0 credits of MU183, MU283, MU383, MU483;
those whose principal instrument is double bass must take a 0.5 credit of MU183, MU283, MU383, MU483.
Students are required to complete their chamber music requirements (MUx83) on their major instrument. An ensemble placement audition must be successfully completed before the end of the second week of the fall term for placement in an instrumental ensemble. - Piano: MU253 (in place of MU281), MU293, MU393, MU493
0.5 credit chosen from MU383 or MU483;
1.0 credit Music elective.
Music or non-music electives for a total of 20.0 credits. - Voice: MU291, MU294, MU298*; (MU381 or MU398*); MU391
0.5 credit music elective
Music or non-music electives for a total of 20.0 credits.
Music or non-music electives for a total of 20.0 credits.
The first year of the BMus (CY) core curriculum serves as the one-year core curriculum for the Bachelor of Music, Self-Directed Studies concentration, but with a breadth of study across the areas of Culture and Society (C), Performance and Production (P) and Style and Structure (S). Starting in 2nd year, and with the assistance of the academic advisor and faculty mentor, students will map a purposeful pathway through their degree by selecting upper-level courses across these three areas, and with greater depth of study in the area of their choosing.
A student in the Bachelor of Music, Self-Directed Studies concentration must complete 20.0 credits, of which at least 14.0 and no more than 16.0 credits may be MU courses; 9.0 senior level MU credits are required to graduate. The following courses are required for the BMus (Self-Directed Studies):
Required Courses:
MU100, MU136°, MU137°, MU161, MU162, MU181, MU190A*, MU266
At least 1.0 credit of applied study (x90A or x96 courses) at the 200-level or above.
At least 1.0 credit from each category of C, S, and P at the 200-level or above, defined below.
At least 3.0 credits and no more than 5.0 credits at the 200-level or above from any single category C, S, or P. Including all credits above, at least 4.0 MU credits at the 300-level and at least 1.0 MU credit at the 400-level. No more than 0.5 credit from the MU442–444 series courses may be applied toward the concentration.
Students are advised to be mindful of the prerequisites for upper year courses. All students in the Self-Directed Studies Program are required to meet with both the Academic Advisor and Faculty Mentor for the Self-Directed Studies program at least once per term.
Category C: Culture and Society
Category P: Performance and Production
Category S: Style and Structure