Vancouver Film School Diploma Program with Honours BA English
Vancouver Film School’s Writing for Film, TV, and Games Diploma Program with Honours BA English
Laurier has a partnership agreement through which students can complete, in 20.0 credits, the Honours BA English at Laurier and VFS’s Diploma program in Writing for Film, Television, and Games. VFS Students coming to Laurier attend Year 1 at VFS and then Years 2, 3, and 4 at Laurier.
The transfer credits for VFS students are slightly different than for Laurier students: the one-year intensive VFS program is regarded as equivalent of 100-level credits, except in the case where Laurier offers a similar course (in those instances a specific course credit is assigned). The Honours English program consists of 20.0 credits, of which 15.0 credits are completed at Laurier and 5.0 can be completed at VFS.
VFS Credits (5.0 credits):
VFS’s Writing for Film, Television, and Games counts as 5.0 credits towards the 20.0 credits of Laurier’s Honours English program as:
- 1.0 credit from EN 100-level (junior) courses
- 0.5 credit equivalent to FS374 - Screenwriting and Directing
- 3.5 credits from non-major elective 100-level (junior) courses
Laurier Credits (15.0 credits):
The Honours English program consists of 20.0 credits, of which at least 14.0 credits must be at the senior level, including a minimum of 10.0 but no more than 14.0 credits in English courses and no more than 1.0 may be at the 100 level. Students may also count up to 1.0 credit from senior FS courses. The Honours English program consists of 20.0 credits as follows:
- 1.0 credit from Introductory EN courses: EN107, EN108, EN111, EN112, EN119, EN165 or EN190
- 1.0 credit from Category 1 courses (British Literature, pre-1660): EN214, EN233, EN234, EN245, EN344, EN372, EN388, EN390, EN392, EN393, EN394, EN395
- 1.0 credit from Category 2 courses (Literature after 1660, mainly British): EN246, EN292, EN293, EN298, EN299, EN345, EN346, EN396, EN397, EN399
- 1.0 credit from Category 3 courses (Canadian/American/Postcolonial/World Literature): EN211, EN213, EN218, EN252, EN263, EN265, EN266, EN267, EN280, EN313, EN322, EN324, EN330, EN335, EN347
- 1.0 credit from Category 4 courses (Theory/Gender/Genre), 0.5 of which must include EN301 and another 0.5 from: EN200, EN201, EN203, EN207, EN210, EN220, EN222, EN225, EN231, EN237, EN238, EN239, EN240, EN249, EN250, EN271, EN272, EN281, EN285, EN286, EN303, EN310, EN369, EN370, EN371, EN381
- 1.0 credit from 400-level courses (no more than 0.5 credit of which may be EN489)
- 4.0 additional credits from EN courses at the senior level.
Degree Program Electives: An additional 10.0 credits including non-major electives (including those earned at VFS) toward the degree total of 20.0 credits (of which no more than 5.0 credits can be at the 100 level).
Students are encouraged to take EN245 and EN246 as part of their program. Students may also count up to 1.0 credit from senior FS courses (excluding FS275, FS370, FS371) and non-designated writing courses (EN206, EN304) toward the 10.0 required for the Honours English degree. Students doing the VFS Pathway in Writing are not eligible to do the English program’s Concentration in Creative Writing, Minor in Writing for Career and Community, or Minor in Youth and Children: Texts and Contexts.