Professional Writing Minor
The Professional Writing minor consists of a total of 3.0 credits:
0.5 credit in:
BF299 - Academic Literacy: Humanities
1.0 credit from Category 1 courses:
DMJN101 - Reporting and Writing for News
EN206 - Writing for Business
EN304 - Technical Writing
PLUS an additional 1.5 credits in the course not completed from Category 1 and/or one of the following
Category 2 courses:
DH300 - Digital Editing and Publishing
DMJN253 - Introduction to Public and Media Relations
DMJN340 - Feature Writing and Verification
EN240 - Critical Reading and Writing
EN271 - The Creative Process
EN272 - Introduction to Creative Writing
EN303 - Advanced Academic Writing
EN369 - Creative Writing: Nonfiction
EN370 - Creative Writing: Poetry
EN371 - Creative Writing: Short Story
FS309g - Screenwriting and Directing
PO209 - Legal Writing
- Students in the Honours EN program must review the requirements for their program category requirements when choosing any EN courses. Only 1.0 credit in non-categorized designated "writing" courses (EN206, EN304) can contribute to the fulfilment of the EN Honours or EN combined Honours degree.
- Students also completing an English Minor may only double count 0.5 credit of the following courses: EN271, EN272, EN369, EN370, or EN371.
- Refer to Regulations Governing all Minors.