Applied Digital Minor
The Applied Digital Minor consists of 3.0 credits (DH100, 0.5 from the Digital Humanities list, 1.0 from the Applied elective list, and 1.0 from the Contextual elective list).
A minimum of 1.5 of the required 3.0 credits must be outside of the major.
The minor is administered by the Department of History. For academic advice, students should consult the History Undergraduate Advisor.
Required Course (0.5 credit)
DH100 - Digital Creativity
Digital Humanities Course (0.5 credit)
DH200 - Digital Narratives
DH299 - Applied Digital Special Topics
DH300 - Digital Editing and Publishing
Applied Elective list (1.0 credit)
AR250 - Digital Heritage and Archaeology
AR341 - Analytical Archaeology and Data Management
EC205 - Introduction to Applied Statistics
GESC251 - Cartography
GG351 - Thematic Cartography and Geovisualization
GG368 - Computer Applications in Geography
GG369 - Geographical Information Systems
GG469 - Advanced Geographical Information Systems
ST260 - Introduction to Statistics
ML305 - Medievalism in Video Games
PO218 - Answering Questions in Political Science: Research in Practice
PO465 - Media Analysis for Politics and Policy in a Digital Age
SY280 - Quantitative Methods
SY382 - Social Statistics
Contextual Elective list (1.0 credit)
AN347 - Science, Technology and Culture
CS213 - Technology and Society
CS325 - Digital Media and Culture
CS350 - Political Economy of Communication and Culture
CS353 - Internet Studies
CS371 - Social Media and Social Life
EN281 - Contemporary Science Fiction
EN381 - Gaming and Narrative Theory
FS345 - Film Theory and Mass Media
FS348 - Film Theory in the Digital Age
FS447a - Digital New Media
HI393 - Multimedia Applications in History
KS220 - Networked and Digital Cultures
PO360 - Citizen Politics
WS305 - Gender, Culture and Technology
1. Students may not declare both the Applied Digital Option and Applied Digital Minor.
2. Students are advised that many elective courses have prerequisites, and should plan accordingly.
3. Refer to Regulations Governing all Minors.