Community Engagement Option

Program Contact: Dr. Edmund Pries

The Community Engagement Option consists of a minimum of 4.0 credits.
Students must complete 2.0 core course credits: CMEG300 (0.5 credit), CMEG301 (0.5 credit), CMEG305* (1.0 credit).
The option is completed by a further 2.0 credits from Elective courses.

To obtain the Community Engagement Option designation on their transcripts, students must have a minimum GPA of 7.00 in designated courses, computed on all credits claimed for the option.

Required Core CMEG Courses (2.0 credits):
CMEG300 - Introduction to Community Engagement
CMEG301 - Social Inclusion, Local Democracy and Community Enterprise
CMEG305* - Semester in Community Engagement

Elective Courses (2.0 credits):

  • Anthropology

AN241 - City Life and Urban Space
AN237 - Cross-cultural Studies of Change
AN336 - Culture, Power and Politics
AN348 - Space, Place and Culture
AN400 - Doing Fieldwork

  • Communication Studies

CS251 - Introduction to Visual Culture
CS350 - Political Economy of Communication and Culture
CS351 - Visual Communication and Culture

  • Criminology

CC304 - Addiction and Crime
CC311/MX311 - Crime, Media and the Law

  • Environmental Studies and Geography

ES296 - Introduction to Sustainability
GESC465* - Capstone Urban Sustainability Project
GG265 - Experiencing the City
GG365 - Canadian Urban Spaces
GG373 - Landscapes and Identities
GG376 - Cultural Heritage Landscapes

  • Global Studies

GS221 - The Cosmopolitan Village?
GS222 - Contemporary Western Societies
GS231 - War, Culture and Conflict
GS305 - The Individualized World
GS323/RE323 - Global Migrations, Refugees and Diasporas
GS325 - Religion, Culture and Society
GS331 - Contemporary Case Studies in Peace and Conflict
GS342 - Civil Society, Social Movements and Globalization
GS351 - Nature, Culture and Development
GS421 - Ethical Encounters
GS451 - City Worlds
GS461 - Global humanitarianism: Between Gift and Power

  • History 

HI322 - Social History of Modern Canada

  • Music

MU240 - CM Foundations
MU243 - Musical Cultures
MU302 - Music in Community
MU310 - Music, Sound and Environment
MU343 - Public Musicology
MU353* - Inclusive Arts for Children
MU368 - Music, Culture, and Community

  • North American Studies

NO202 - Narrative, Place and Identity in North America
NO211 - Canadian Identities and Cultures

  • Philosophy

PP203 - Social and Political Philosophy
PP207 - Ethical Theories
PP223 - Contemporary Moral Issues

  • Political Science

PO264 - The Practice of Politics in Canada
PO312 - The Politics of Cities and Regions in Canada
PO345 - Public Policy Analysis
PO350 - Theories of Justice
PO432 - Canadian Democracy

  • Psychology

PS270 - Social Psychology
PS282 - Community Psychology

  • Religion and Culture

RE205 - Canadian Religious Controversies
RE331 - Religious Diversity in Contemporary Canada

  • Social Entrepreneurship

SE200 - How to Change the World: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship
SE300 - Developing a Social Venture
SE350 - Social Innovation and Culture
SE364*/GS364* - Social Innovation in the City
SE400* - Capstone Course in Social Entrepreneurship

  • Sociology

SY210 - Social Inequality
SY215 - Sociology of Health and Illness
SY218 - Constructions of Deviance
SY303 - Sociology of Youth
SY324 - Sociology of Food and Culture
SY406 - Environmental Sociology
SY410 - Human Rights II: Intellectuals’ Responsibility
SY413 - Sociology of Embodiment and Disability
SY422 - Subjectivity, Power and Government

  • Women and Gender Studies

WS209 - Women and Leadership
WS210 - Introduction to Feminist Thought and Action
WS306 - Women and Social Justice

When choosing elective courses, note that some of these courses have prerequisites. Although these prerequisites may be waived by the program or department administering the course, it is the student's responsibility to make such arrangements.