Concentration with Honours BSc and BA Mathematics and Financial Mathematics
Elective MA and ST credits at the 300 and 400 levels can be applied to a concentration. A maximum of two Mathematics concentrations are permitted as part of the Honours BSc and BA Mathematics and Financial Mathematics degrees.
A concentration requires completion of a minimum of 2.5 credits (including 1.0 credits of required courses, and 1.5 credits of eligible electives). If a student chooses to follow one or two concentrations in the program, this will be listed on the student's transcript.
The following concentrations are permitted for all Honours BSc and BA Mathematics and Financial Mathematics degrees:
- Analysis and Geometry
- Computational Finance
- Discrete Mathematics and Algebra
- Financial Risk Management
- Mathematical Modelling
- Statistics and Data Analytics
Required Courses (1.0 credit):
MA304 - Introduction to Complex Analysis
MA350 - Real Analysis
Elective Courses (1.5 credits):
MA318 - Geometry
MA355 - Continuous and Discrete Transforms
MA422 - Advanced Linear Algebra
MA450 - Measure and Integration
MA455 - Partial Differential Equations
MA465 - General Topology
Required Courses (1.0 credit):
MA471 - Computational Methods in Finance
ST474 - Monte Carlo Methods
Elective Courses (1.5 credits):
MA350 - Real Analysis
MA355 - Continuous and Discrete Transforms
ST362 - Regression Analysis
MA372 - Optimization
MA455 - Partial Differential Equations
Required Courses (1.0 credit):
MA338 - Graph Theory
MA323 - Introduction to Groups and Rings
Elective Courses (1.5 credits):
MA317 - Number Theory
MA318 - Geometry
MA372 - Optimization
MA422 - Advanced Linear Algebra
MA425 - Group Theory
MA475 - Ring and Field Theory
Required Courses (1.0 credit):
ST362 - Regression Analysis
MA477 - Quantitative Financial Risk Management
Elective Courses (1.5 credits):
MA372 - Optimization
ST473 - Financial Data Analysis
ST474 - Monte Carlo Methods
ST490 - Stochastic Processes
ST492 - Time Series Analysis
Required Courses (1.0 credit):
MA305 - Differential Equations II
MA487 - Mathematical Modelling in the Applied Sciences and Finance
Elective Courses (1.5 credits):
MA307 - Numerical Analysis
or MA371 - Computational Methods for Data Analysis
MA355 - Continuous and Discrete Transforms
MA360 - Topics in Applied Mathematics
MA372 - Optimization
MA455 - Partial Differential Equations
Required Courses (1.0 credit):
ST361 - Mathematical Statistics
ST362 - Regression Analysis
Elective Courses (1.5 credits):
ST344 - Introduction to Experimental Design and Survey Sampling
ST358 - Applied Probability
ST359 - Probability II
ST462 - Advanced Regression Analysis
ST463 - Computational Statistics
ST474 - Monte Carlo Methods
ST491 - Survival Analysis
ST492 - Time Series Analysis
ST494 - Statistical Learning