Honours BA Mathematics in Combination with another Honours BA Program

The combined Honours BA Mathematics program consists of a minimum of 20.0 credits, including at least 6.0 and no more than 9.0 senior Mathematics (MA) or Statistics (ST) credits. The program must include no more than 6.0 100 level credits and must include the following:

Required Courses:
MA103, MA104, MA121, MA122, MA201, MA222, MA250, ST259, ST260, MA323 and at least 3.0 additional senior MA or ST credits, which must include at least 2.5 credits at the 300 or 400 level, of which at least 1.0 must be at the 400 level.

Additional Information
Program Regulations

  1. CP104 is recommended as an elective.
  2. Electives must include at least 1.0 credit from a discipline outside of those offered by the Faculty of Science.