Honours BA Ancient Studies
The Honours BA in Ancient Studies consists of 20.0 credits, of which at least 14.0 must be at the senior level. A minimum of 10.0 and a maximum of 13.0 credits must be from the List of Ancient Studies courses. These must include:
Year 1: 1.0 credit at the 100-level from list of Ancient Studies courses
Year 2: 3.0 credits at the 200-level from list of Ancient Studies courses
Year 3: 3.0 credits at the 300-level from list of Ancient Studies courses
Year 4: 1.0 credit at the 400-level from list of Ancient Studies reading seminar course;
1.0 credit at the 400-level from list of Ancient Studies research seminar course
Additional Ancient Studies Requirement:
1.0 credit at the 200- or 300-level from list of Ancient Studies courses (also refer to language courses below)
List of Ancient Studies Courses:
- 100-level:
AR104 - Greece: Minotaur to Alexander
AR105 - Ancient Rome: Not Just Caesar
HI121 - Ancient History in a Global Context
HI131 - Ancient Heroes: Story and Tradition - 200-level:
AR201 - Amorous Aphrodite to Zesty Zeus: An Archaeological Approach to Myth
AR216 - Blood, Sweat and Sport: The Archaeology of Athletics
AR221 - Archaeology of Greece and Rome
AR225/HI225 - History of Ancient Greece
AR226/HI226 - History of Ancient Rome
HI224 - The Asian World in Ascendancy 300 BCE-1600 CE
HI235 - Ancient Egypt
HI236 - Magic and Religion in the Ancient World
HI237 - Vikings!
HI255 - Crime and Justice in Antiquity
HI261 - The Ancient World in Contemporary Culture
HI281 - Slavery in the Ancient World
HI282 - Civilizations of the Ancient Near East
HI283 - Ancient Africa
HI285 - Ancient Art Beyond the West
HI289 - Warfare in the Ancient Mediterranean World
PP256 - Ancient Philosophy I
PP259 - Ancient Philosophy II
RE204 - Introduction to Judaism
RE250 - Buddhist Paths: Emergence and Development - 300-level:
AR332 - Children in the Ancient World
AR338 - Current Issues in Classical Archaeology
HI301 - Gender in Ancient Greece Drama
HI305 - Ancient Sexualities
HI358 - The Afterlife in Ancient and Medieval Thought
HI384 - The World of Genghis Khan
HI385 - Food and Drink in Ancient Mediterranean Society
HI390 - Family Law in Greece and Rome
HI391 - Waking the Dead: Voices from the Near East
RE335 - Jesus of Nazareth
RE344 - Apocalypticism - 400-level:
HI448* - Reading Seminar on the Ancient World
HI498* - Research Seminar on the Ancient World
Degree Program Electives:
An additional 10.0 elective credits for the degree total of 20.0 credits, (5.0 credits must be senior, maximum of 3.0 credits from the Ancient Studies Course List.)
Languages other than English can contribute to a deeper
understanding of Ancient Studies. For this reason, Ancient Studies majors are encouraged to study ancient languages (including but not
limited to Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Akkadian, Sanskrit, Classical Chinese,
Classical Japanese), and subject to the following provisions:
- Ancient Studies majors may count up to 1.0 credit of language study toward the Additional Ancient Studies Requirement.
- For Ancient Studies majors who take Year 1 language courses during Year 2, Year 3, or Year 4, and who have already accumulated 6.0 junior credits, these courses (up to a maximum of 1.0 credit) will not be counted toward the maximum 6.0 limit on 100 level credits.
- Language courses may be taken at WLU, at other recognized universities in Canada, or abroad on a letter of permission. The prior written consent of the History Department is required for all language courses.
- Certain courses may have prerequisites which do not appear in the above Ancient Studies list.
- Some courses may be offered on a rotating basis; it is the student's responsibility to plan his/her program accordingly.
- Students who are planning to pursue graduate studies in this or a related field are encouraged to plan their program with that goal in mind, and should consider the department's offerings in ancient languages as applicable.
- Refer to the University Regulations chapter for progression and course regulations and the earlier section regarding Regulations for All Honours Programs.