Martin Luther University College

Martin Luther University College (Luther) provides for the scholarly study of theology, spiritualties, and various expressions of faith in an interdenominational and interfaith setting.   

Luther was founded as an institution that prepared clergy for the now Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) with special attention to the Canadian context.  Today, Luther continues to do this while expanding its mandate to prepare professionals and scholars attentive to broader ecumenical and interfaith settings.  Further to this, Luther encourages and engages in dialogue between theology, ministry and other academic and professional disciplines, and seeks to help students develop an integrated perspective that meaningfully participates in work for the well-being of individuals, societies, and the environment. 

Programs at Luther include professional development and academic research using a variety of educational strategies, including classroom interaction, supervised contextual and practical learning, intentional self-reflection, and extra-curricular as well as continuing education opportunities.   

For more information, visit


Graduate Co-ordinator - MA in Theology (Spiritual Care & Psychotherapy) and PhD in Human Relationships Graduate Co-ordinator - Master of Divinity

Relation with the University

As a federated college of Wilfrid Laurier University and a member of Laurier’s Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Martin Luther University College (Luther) cooperates with other faculties, departments, centres, etc. at Laurier. Graduate students of Luther are able to take courses in other departments, and Wilfrid Laurier University graduate students can take courses at Luther. In some circumstances, and in consultation with their program advisor, it is possible for Luther students to take courses outside of Wilfrid Laurier University.

As a federated college of Wilfrid Laurier University, Luther students have access to academic support, library, social, athletic, and cultural programs at Laurier.

General Admission Requirements

Eligible candidates for programs offered by Martin Luther University College (Luther) are admitted upon the approval of the Principal-Dean. Students may apply for full-time or part-time studies.

Applications to the Master's and PhD programs are submitted online. An application fee is required. Applications are due on February 15 for fall term admission. 

Applications and requirements for the graduate diploma programs are available on Luther's website. Upon receipt of the application and supporting documents, Luther will contact the applicant concerning admission.

Proficiency in written and spoken English is required for graduate studies at Laurier. Applicants whose language of instruction during their previous postsecondary education was not in English must submit evidence of proficiency in English. Consult the Graduate Studies website for details on English language proficiency.

General Graduate Students

Admission as a General Graduate Student (GGS) requires a bachelor's degree or equivalent. General Graduate students can take up to five graduate courses for credit but are not enrolled in a Luther degree program. Students who obtain credits in this category and subsequently decide to apply to a degree program must meet both the admission requirements and pay any application fees. Acceptance as a General Graduate Student and successful completion of any Luther courses does not guarantee admission to other Luther programs.


  1. TH664L - Pre-Practicum and TH664M* - Practicum (Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy) cannot be taken by General Graduate Students.
  2. Advanced standing or transfer credits toward another degree based upon courses taken as a General Graduate Student are subject to the university regulations

Note on Courses Contained in Graduate Calendar

As far as possible, each program attempts to provide a full range of core courses and electives. However, not every course listed in this Calendar is available in every session or every year.

Students are encouraged to consult the Student Advisor and/or the Luther website to inquire about course offerings each year.

Advanced Standing and Credit Transfer

Permission to receive advanced standing or transfer credits toward a graduate diploma, Master's or doctoral degree in Martin Luther University College (Luther) for courses taken previously at another institution on the same academic level as corresponding Luther courses may be granted at the discretion of the Academic Advisory Committee in consultation with the Luther Faculty as based on the following parameters.

A transfer credit is a course successfully completed at another institution that fulfills degree requirements in the student's current program. Normally, a course is only eligible as a transfer credit if it was not used to meet the requirements of a previously completed degree.

Advanced standing allows a student to substitute another similar course to fulfill degree requirements because the required course overlaps significantly with a course taken previously, allowing the student to advance their learning.

In considering transfer credits or advanced standing, the following policy will normally be used by the Academic Advisory Committee to credit students on the presumption that course hours and content are similar to those of like courses at Luther.

    • If the student successfully completed the course 5 or fewer years before the start date of the student's program at Luther, advanced standing and/or transfer credit may be permitted within the parameters outlined by Laurier Policy.
    • If the student successfully completed the course 6 to 19 years before the start date of the student's program at Luther, advanced standing may be granted within the parameters outlined by Laurier Policy.
    • If the student successfully completed the course 20 years or more before the start date of the student's program at Luther, no advanced standing or transfer credit will be granted.

The following parameters also apply to requests for advanced standing or transfer credits.

    • Students wishing to transfer from another institution and graduate from Luther must register as full-time students for at least one academic year or the equivalent thereof.
    • Courses that have been credited toward a degree at Laurier or any other institution cannot normally be counted again toward a Luther diploma or degree.
    • Students who hold a Master's degree in divinity or theology from a theological college accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada may petition the Academic Advisory Committee to receive advanced standing with the possibility of transfer credits for up to eight introductory courses in biblical studies, church history and systematic theology toward the graduate degree.
    • Students who have completed graduate work directly related to their field of specialization may petition for advanced standing and/or transfer credits.
    • Courses taken at the undergraduate level or as "audit" will not be considered for advanced standing or transfer credit.
    • Students who are already enrolled in a Luther program may take courses at another institution for credit toward their degree or diploma provided that permission is obtained from Luther and the host institution prior to course registration. In such cases the appropriate forms are available from the student advisor. Courses taken by Luther students in another institution or program are the financial responsibility of the student. 

Audit Policy

Enrolled graduate students normally are not permitted to audit graduate or undergraduate courses, except with the written permission of the instructor, who will consult the Principal-Dean. An audited course would be considered as part of normal course limits of the semester and degree program, and auditing fees and strictures as outlined in Laurier's Academic Calendar would apply.

Leave of Absence

Students may petition for a leave of absence (to a maximum of three consecutive terms) at a time when circumstances prevent them from working on either their course work or their thesis. Students are normally permitted only one leave of absence. Students receiving a leave of absence must re-register for the term immediately following the end of their leave of absence. Failure to re-register for that term will be considered an act of withdrawal from Martin Luther University College.

Terms spent on leave of absence are not included in the calculation of the time to completion.

Termination of Registration

A student whose work or attendance is considered to be unsatisfactory as determined by the Martin Luther University College (Luther) faculty may be required by the Principal-Dean to withdraw at any time from particular courses, from a particular program, or from Luther. Failure to maintain continuous registration will be considered an act of withdrawal from Luther.

Withdrawal from Luther

For a variety of reasons, such as personal, financial, academic or vocational, a student may choose to withdraw from studies at Martin Luther University College (Luther). The student is expected to contact the Principal-Dean to discuss formal withdrawal. The failure of a student to remain registered (in the category of full-time, part-time, leave of absence or research fee student) will be considered an act of withdrawal. Should students desire later to resume studies after having withdrawn, they must reapply for admission to Luther.

Students who withdraw from Luther at any time retain the final grades in courses completed prior to the date of their withdrawal.

Students who withdraw after the final date for withdrawing without failure will have the courses in their program recorded as a failure.

Students holding scholarships, loans or other indebtedness related to their tenure as Luther students, must bear responsibility for meeting obligations in returning or repaying funds.

Academic Standards

The academic year is divided into fall, winter and spring terms. Most fall and winter courses are 12-week courses, meeting once a week. In the spring term, most courses are offered in an intensive format. All courses involve 36 hours of instructional class time. The average workload for students is 2-3 hours of work outside of class per hour of class time.

A directed study course is an exception to courses normally taught via in-class or on-line delivery. A student is only allowed to take a directed study course by permission of the Academic Advisory Committee, which acts on a request submitted via the Request for a Directed Study form, available on the Luther website. Students may normally take no more than one half-credit directed study course in any one term. Students should be mindful that in particular instances faculty may not be available to supervise a directed study. Students may take no more than two (2) half-credit courses toward a degree through directed study.

In those instances where a student is proposing to enrol in a course offered at another institution, the program advisor should be consulted and the request submitted with the appropriate form. The Academic Advisory Committee must approve the course of study.

Normally, a full-time student will register in 3 or 4 courses per term (0.5 credits each) and a part-time student will register in 1 or 2 courses per term (0.5 credits each).

Master's students in a degree program at Luther who obtain a grade lower than B- in a course will be required to withdraw from their program unless they receive permission from the Academic Advisory Committee to repeat the course in question or its equivalent. Doctoral students at Luther who obtain a grade lower than B in a course will be required to withdraw from their program unless they receive permission from the Academic Advisory Committee to repeat the course in question or its equivalent. Where such permission is granted at either the Master's or doctoral level, students will be on probationary status until a satisfactory course credit is obtained. Students will not be allowed to repeat any course more than once or repeat more than three courses during their program of studies.

Martin Luther University College courses and extensions are subject to the same Completion of Coursework policy as Wilfrid Laurier University graduate students.

Graduation from Martin Luther University College does not automatically imply ordination, accreditation or professional certification.

Petitions and Appeals

Luther students may petition for exceptions from academic policies and/or decisions by submitting a written request to the Academic Advisory Committee. The Academic Advisory Committee at Luther functions as the first level of appeal for students enrolled in its programs. The second level of appeal is the Graduate Student Appeals Committee (GSAC) of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Upon submission of an appeal to the GSAC, the procedures governing the appeal will be as outlined in the Graduate Calendar.

Course Offerings
Course #TitleCredits
TH501A Introduction to Biblical Languages: Elementary Biblical Hebrew 1.0
TH501B Introduction to Biblical Languages: Elementary Biblical Greek 1.0
TH501C Introduction to Biblical Languages: Intermediate Biblical Hebrew 1.0
TH501D Introduction to Biblical Languages: Intermediate Biblical Greek 1.0
TH502A Critical Analysis of Biblical Texts: Introduction 0.5
TH502B Critical Analysis of Biblical Texts: Advanced 0.5
TH503A Survey of the Hebrew Scriptures 0.5
TH503C Survey of the New Testament 0.5
TH503E Reading and Interpreting the Qur'an (in translation) 0.5
TH503F Survey of Sources in Asian Wisdom Traditions 0.5
TH503G Jewish and Christian Bible Themes 0.5
TH503H Buddhist Discourses on Care 0.5
TH503H Buddhist Discourses on Care 0.5
TH530A Introduction to God and Theological Reflection 0.5
TH530B Introduction to Jesus and Salvation 0.5
TH530C Introduction to the Spirit and Community 0.5
TH530E Foundations of Spiritualities 0.5
TH560A Introduction to Worship 0.5
TH560C Introduction to Proclamation and Preaching 0.5
TH560E Spiritual Formation and Nurturing Faith A 0.5
TH560F Spiritual Formation and Nurturing Faith B 0.5
TH560G Foundations of Ethical Community Engagement 0.5
TH608 Special Topics in Biblical Theology 0.5
TH609 Advanced Research in Biblical Studies 0.5
TH620D Studies in Historical Periods of the Church: Women in Christian History 0.5
TH620E Studies in Historical Periods of the Church: History of the Reformation of Churches 0.5
TH620F Studies in Historical Periods of the Church: History of Lutheranism in North America 0.5
TH621E Issues in Church History: Study of the Lutheran Confessions 0.5
TH622A Movements in Church History : Roots of Liberation Theology 0.5
TH622B Movements in Church History: Studies in Church-State Relations 0.5
TH622C Movements in Church History: Canadian Liberation Theology 0.5
TH628 Special Topics in Historical Theology 0.5
TH629 Advanced Research in Historical Theology 0.5
TH640B Interdisciplinary Studies in Systematic Theology: Christian Ethics 0.5
TH640D Interdisciplinary Studies in Systematic Theology: The Role of Religion in Contemporary Society 0.5
TH640E Interdisciplinary Studies in Systematic Theology: Christian Identity in Modern Society 0.5
TH640G God and Globalization 0.5
TH641A Movements and Figures in Systematic Theology: Current Trends in Liberation Theology 0.5
TH641B Movements and Figures in Systematic Theology: Lutheran Theology 0.5
TH641D Movements and Figures in Systematic Theology: Martin Luther 0.5
TH641F Movements and Figures in Systematic Theology: Dietrich Bonhoeffer 0.5
TH641H Movements and Figures in Systematic Theology: Trends in Modern and Contemporary Theology 0.5
TH641J Movement and Figures in Systematic Theology: Theology, Pluralism and Canadian Contexts 0.5
TH641K Earth-based Spirituality 0.5
TH643B Advanced Studies in Christian Ethics: The Historical Development of Christian Ethics 0.5
TH643C Advanced Studies in Christian Ethics: Biomedical Ethics 0.5
TH643D Questioning Ability 0.5
TH644A Indigenous Wisdom and Methodologies 0.5
TH645A Intersectionality: Interfaith and Intercultural Perspectives 0.5
TH645B Women, LGBTQ2SIA+, Justice and Spirituality 0.5
TH648 Special Topics in Systematic Theology 0.5
TH649 Advanced Research in Systematic Theology 0.5
TH652A Supervised Pastoral Education I: Theory and Practice of Spiritual Care 1.0
TH652B Supervised Pastoral Education: SPE II 1.0
TH652C Supervised Pastoral Education: SPE III 1.0
TH652D Supervised Pastoral Education: IV 1.0
TH656D Introduction to Ministerial Practice: Contextual Ministry IV - Congregational Christian Education Ministries: 0.5
TH661A Intermediate Homiletical Studies: Sermon Methodology 0.5
TH661B Intermediate Homiletical Studies: Congregational Preaching 0.5
TH662E Advanced Homiletical Studies: Preaching on Ethical Issues 0.5
TH663A Grief 0.5
TH663C Cognitive and Dialectic Behaviour Therapy 0.5
TH663D The Aging Process 0.5
TH663E Individual Theories 0.5
TH663F Couple and Family Dynamics 0.5
TH663G Foundations of Systematic Psychotherapy 0.5
TH663I Family of Origin 0.5
TH663K Group Process and Leadership 0.5
TH663L Clinical Applications of Queer Theory: Working with LGBTQQIP2SAA 0.5
TH663M Family Therapy Overview 0.5
TH663N Counselling and Spirituality in a Multifaith Society 0.5
TH663O Therapeutic Modalities for Working with Children 0.5
TH663P Peace Within, Peace Between, Peace Among 0.5
TH663R Core Skills in Emotionally Focused Therapy 0.5
TH663S Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy 0.5
TH663U Unique Healing Alternatives For Adolescents 0.5
TH663V Human Development 0.5
TH663W Couple Therapy: Intervention from an Emotionally Focused Perspective 0.5
TH663X Addiction, Mental Health and Spirituality: Clinical Approaches 0.5
TH663Y Assessment 0.5
TH663Z Theory of Change 0.5
TH664A Introduction to Art Therapy 0.5
TH664B Islamic Spirituality (Sufism) and Psychotherapy 0.5
TH664D Post-Modern Family Therapy 0.5
TH664H Professional Studies and Ethics 0.5
TH664I Qualitative Research 0.5
TH664K Clinical and Pastoral Supervision 0.5
TH664L Pre-Practicum 0.5
TH664M Practicum (Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy) 1.0
TH664O The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy 0.5
TH664P Mindfulness and Psychotherapy 0.5
TH664T Trauma and Theodicy 0.5
TH665B Intermediate Studies in Parish Practice: Supervised Experience in Ministry-Pastoral Ministry 0.5
TH665C Intermediate Studies in Parish Practice: Introduction to Church and Society 0.5
TH665I Entry into the Parish 0.5
TH665J Teaching Christianity in a Globalized World after Auschwitz 0.5
TH666D Advanced Studies in Contextual Theology 0.5
TH667E Inshallah: Worship and Global Song 0.5
TH668 Special Topics in Functional Theology 0.5
TH669 Advanced Research in Functional Theology 0.5
TH680A Literature-based Research in Public Faith and Spirituality 0.5
TH680E Senior Research Project: MA Advanced Research Project 0.5
TH681 Internship 1.0
TH697 Integrative Project 0.5
TH697 Integrative Project 0.5
TH698 Major Research Project in Theology 1.0
TH699 Thesis in Theology 2.0
TH740A Comprehensive Paper and Exam: Integration of Theory and Praxis 0.5
TH741 Foundations in Hermeneutics 0.5
TH760 Clinical or Ministry Work 0.0
TH760A Advanced Clinical Studies: SPE (III) 0.5
TH760B Advanced Clinical Studies: SPE (IV) 0.5
TH760C Advanced Clinical Studies: SPE (V) 0.5
TH760D Advanced Clinical Studies: SPE (VI) 0.5
TH761A Doctoral Pastoral Counselling Studies: Family Systems and Pastoral Care II 0.5
TH761B Doctoral Pastoral Counselling Studies: Marital Therapy and Pastoral Counselling 0.5
TH761C Doctoral Pastoral Counselling Studies: Schools of Family Therapy and Pastoral Counselling 0.5
TH761D Doctoral Pastoral Counselling Studies: Object Relations in Family Therapy and Pastoral Counselling 0.5
TH761E Doctoral Pastoral Counselling Studies: Theological Reflection in Pastoral Care and Counselling 0.5
TH761F Doctoral Pastoral Counselling Studies: Advanced Qualitative and Case Study Research 0.5
TH761G Therapeutic Relationships 0.5
TH761I Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Research 0.5
TH761J Advanced Qualitative Research 0.5
TH761K Theoretical Foundations in Human Relationships Research 0.5
TH765A Pastoral Leadership Seminar I 0.5
TH765B Pastoral Leadership Seminar II 0.5
TH768 Special Topics in Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy 0.5
TH780B Human Relationships Dissertation 0.0