Music Therapy

Graduate Program Co-ordinator: Heidi Ahonen, PhD

Department Information on this page
Program Information

Approved Field

Music Centered Psychotherapy

Course Offerings
Course #TitleCredits
MU501 Music Psychotherapy Foundations: Theories, Approaches, Models, Techniques and Interventions 0.5
MU502 Clinical Music Psychotherapy Skills I 0.5
MU503 Music Psychotherapy Assessment and Ethical Practice 0.5
MU504 Music Therapy Placement I 0.5
MU505 Music Psychotherapy Foundations II: Theories, Approaches, Models, Techniques and Interventions 0.5
MU506 Clinical Music Psychotherapy Skills II 0.5
MU507 Safe and Effective Use of Self in Music Psychotherapy I 0.5
MU508 Music Psychotherapy Placement II 0.5
MU509 Music Psychotherapy, Diversity and Social Justice 0.5
MU601 Clinical Music Psychotherapy Skills III 0.5
MU602 Music Psychotherapy Foundations III: Theories, Approaches, Models, Techniques and Interventions 0.5
MU606 Qualitative Music Therapy Research 0.5
MU607 Safe and Effective Use of Self in Music Psychotherapy II 0.5
MU609 Major Research Paper 0.5
MU610 Music Psychotherapy Placement IV 0.5
MU611 Music Psychotherapy Skills IV: Verbal Counseling 0.5
MU612 Music Psychotherapy Placement III 1.0