Archaeology and Heritage Studies
Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies
Honours BA program, Honours BA Combined, Minor:
Archaeology is the study of human culture worldwide through the physical remains left by earlier peoples. Modern archaeology is concerned with the preservation of archaeological resources on the local, regional and international level.
At Laurier the breadth of Archaeology is reflected by the faculty members who study the ancient cultures of the Near East, Greece, and Rome, as well as the North American aboriginal peoples and European cultures after 1500. The scope of faculty expertise also spans specializations in archaeological material science, archaeological survey, bioarchaeology, as well as environmental, historic, industrial, prehistoric and public archaeology. Field, lab and classroom instruction in these areas are complemented by other courses in related discipline, such as Anthropology, Ancient Studies, History, Geography, and Philosophy. This engaged, cross-disciplinary approach has led the Archaeology program at Laurier to become one of the most comprehensive at the undergraduate level in Canada, providing students with a very broad understanding of the discipline.
- Debra Foran, PhD
- Scott Gallimore, PhD
- Bonnie Glencross, PhD, Chair
- Honours BA Archaeology and Heritage Studies
- Honours BA Archaeology and Heritage Studies in Combination with another Honours BA Program
- Honours BSc Archaeology and Heritage Studies and Geography
- Archaeology and Heritage Studies Minor
Course # | Title | Credits |
AR101 | Invitation to Archaeology | 0.5 |
AR102 | Doing Archaeology | 0.5 |
AR104 | Greece: Minotaur to Alexander | 0.5 |
AR105 | Ancient Rome: Not Just Caesar | 0.5 |
AR201 | Amorous Aphrodite to Zesty Zeus: An Archaeological Approach to Myth | 0.5 |
AR203 | Becoming Human | 0.5 |
AR205 | Archaeology of the Middle East | 0.5 |
AR216 | Blood, Sweat and Sport: The Archaeology of Athletics | 0.5 |
AR217 | In Small Things Forgotten: Artifact Analysis | 0.5 |
AR219 | Introduction to Field Archaeology | 1.0 |
AR221 | Archaeology of Greece and Rome | 0.5 |
AR222 | Archaeological Mysteries of North America | 0.5 |
AR225 | History of Ancient Greece | 0.5 |
AR226 | History of Ancient Rome | 0.5 |
AR228 | Who Owns the Past? | 0.5 |
AR229 | Indigenous Archaeology | 0.5 |
AR230 | Fakes, Frauds and Mysteries | 0.5 |
AR246 | Environmental Archaeology | 0.5 |
AR250 | Digital Heritage and Archaeology | 0.5 |
AR252 | Life in the Stonehenge Era | 0.5 |
AR290 | Special Topics | 0.5 |
AR332 | Children in the Ancient World | 0.5 |
AR333 | Archaeology of Disasters | 0.5 |
AR336 | Cultural Resource Management in Archaeology | 0.5 |
AR337 | Archaeology of Religion | 0.5 |
AR338 | Current Issues in Classical Archaeology | 0.5 |
AR341 | Analytical Archaeology and Data Management | 0.5 |
AR342 | Above-Ground Archaeology | 0.5 |
AR344 | Archaeological Science | 0.5 |
AR364 | Investigating Archaeological Landscapes | 0.5 |
AR370 | Introduction to Osteology | 0.5 |
AR371 | Archaeology of Death: Burial Practices Around the World | 0.5 |
AR372 | Managing Archaeological Collections | 0.5 |
AR380 | Archaeology in Practice | 0.5 |
AR382 | Archaeological Consulting Practicum | 0.5 |
AR382 | Archaeological Consulting Practicum | 0.5 |
AR390 | Special Topics | 0.5 |
AR440 | Directed Study | 0.5 |
AR452 | Advanced Field Archaeology | 1.0 |
AR453 | After the Field: The Archaeological Laboratory | 0.5 |
AR460 | Paradigms in Archaeology | 0.5 |
AR462 | Capstone Seminar in Archaeology | 0.5 |
AR470 | Juvenile Osteology | 0.5 |
AR471 | Health, Diet and Disease in the Past | 0.5 |