Youth and Children's Studies Program
Program Co-ordinator: Vanessa Oliver, PhD, 519-756-8228, ext 5690,
The Youth and Children's Studies programs and the following YC courses are only available at the Brantford Campus.
Program Information
- Honours BA Youth and Children's Studies
- Honours BA Youth and Children’s Studies in Combination with another Honours BA Program
- Youth and Children's Studies Minor
Course # | Title | Credits |
YC100 | Studying Youth and Children: An Introduction | 0.5 |
YC200 | Youth and Children Through the Ages | 0.5 |
YC201 | Research Methods: Youth and Children | 0.5 |
YC208 | Indigenous Play and Games | 0.5 |
YC230 | Children and Music | 0.5 |
YC231 | Millennial Workers: Children, Youth and Labour | 0.5 |
YC245 | Children, Numeracy and Society | 0.5 |
YC300 | Youth and Children's Studies Community Service Learning I | 0.5 |
YC301 | Youth and Children’s Studies Community Service Learning II | 0.5 |
YC302 | Indigenous Children and Families | 0.5 |
YC310 | Adoption: Past and Present | 0.5 |
YC319 | Children/Youth and Disabilities: Inclusion and Human Rights | 0.5 |
YC320 | Children's Rights | 0.5 |
YC326 | Children, Toys and Media | 0.5 |
YC350 | Special Topics in Youth and Children’s Studies | 0.5 |
YC365 | Immigrant and Ethno-Racial Youth | 0.5 |
YC400 | Senior Seminar in Youth and Children’s Studies | 0.5 |
YC401 | Indigenous Allyship and Kinship | 0.5 |
YC420 | Picturing Childhood: Representations of the Child through Time | 0.5 |
YC430 | Youth Cultures | 0.5 |
YC440 | Youth and Sexuality | 0.5 |
YC490 | Directed Research | 0.5 |