Foundational Vocal Techniques (Non-Voice Majors)
0.25 Credit

Hours per week:
  • Lecture/Discussion: 2

This course is designed for first-year BMus students whose primary instrument is not voice. MU102A° focuses on healthy singing and vocal fluency. Moveable do solfège will be introduced with an emphasis on singing with proper vowel formation, but not sight-singing. Methods of good vocal production (clear tone, singing in tune, vowel formation) and breathing, the basics of healthy singing and building confidence with using the singing voice are at the core of this course.

Additional Course Information
Admission to the Faculty of Music
MU194 Class Voice, MU190A* @R, MU196 @R, MU196C@ RC, MU102B°, MU136°, MU145A°
This course is intended for untrained singers—students without prior formal training in Voice. Students with prior vocal training should register for MU102B° instead, which is the equivalent course for those whose primary instrument is voice.