Safe and Effective Use of Self in Music Psychotherapy II
0.5 Credit

Through the exploration of group analytic music therapy and supervision, students present their own case material and learn to apply knowledge of the therapist's self on the psychotherapeutic process. The interplay between musical and verbal communication and analysis is a crucial facet of the course and students learn to structure and facilitate the therapeutic process by observing and analyzing both verbal and musical group psychotherapy interventions. The safe and effective use of self in the therapeutic relationship, vicarious and secondary traumatization, compassion fatigue, and burn out are explored and students learn to integrate knowledge of the impact of the therapist's self on the therapeutic process, recognize how the therapist's values and attitudes, both in and out of awareness, may impact diverse clients ad how their cognitive, emotional and behavioural patterns may influence therapeutic relationships. They learn making disclosure only where permitted or required. They also learn the importance of maintaining personal physical, psychological, cognitive and emotional fitness to practice. They learn appropriate self-care necessary for responsible therapy. Students begin to build and use a personal and professional support network and learn to articulate parameters of supervision/consultation and why/when to initiate clinical/consultation/legal consultation. This course is closely linked and integrated with MU612* - Music Psychotherapy Placement III and the clinical experiences are discussed during the class.

Additional Course Information
1-year program and 2-year program: MU612*