Indigenous Wholistic Healing
0.5 Credit

Hours per week:
  • Lecture/Discussion: 3

Students will engage in a learning and reflective process which invites them to use the worldview of Indigenous populations with an emphasis on the Wholistic restorative and healing notions in a circle process. Students will explore concepts of healing that flow from a Wholistic Indigenous worldview. Healing is understood to be the facilitation of a healing journey for the individual, their family, their extended family, their community, their nation, and for spiritual relationships. The focus of this healing journey is on enhancing the nature of Creation for future generations. Students will gain an understanding of wholistic healing practices. The use of the circle process will be a key element of this course.

Additional Course Information
SK311, SK312, SK313, SK314, SK315, SK321, SK322, SK399‡ and year 4 status in the Bachelor of Social Work program.