Teaching French as a Second Language in Ontario Schools
0.5 Credit
This course will provide teacher candidates with an overview of teaching French as a Second Language (FSL) in Core, Extended, and Immersion programs in Ontario at the primary-junior and junior-intermediate levels. Teacher candidates will understand how to operationalize the vision and goals for teaching FSL in Ontario by exploring relevant learning theories and evidence-based practices that support FSL instructional programming, including the Common European Framework (CEFR). The course will emphasize how to plan FSL instruction that reflects the diversity of 'la francophonie' from a local to a global context. French will be the primary language of instruction.
Additional Course Information
- Prerequisites
- Demonstrated oral and written French language fluency. Students must be enrolled in PJ FSL Focus or JI French Teachable programs or approval from the department.
- Notes
- The FSL elective course is open to all Teacher Education Candidates in the BEd program upon demonstrating fluency in oral and written French. J/I TECs with French as a Second Language (FSL) as their area of specialization are required to take EU466 Teaching Methods: French as a Second Language in addition to EU436, and will graduate with qualifications equivalent to FSL Part1 Additional Qualification.
36 hours