Music Therapy Practica IV
0.25 Credit

Hours per week:
  • Lecture/Discussion: 2

This practicum course builds upon the clinical and musical facilitation skills developed in MU363. Each student works together with another student music therapist to co-facilitate individual music therapy sessions on-campus at Laurier's music therapy clinic, under the supervision of a qualified music therapy supervisor. In tandem with MU455A°, students deepen their understanding of the dynamics of therapeutic process while honing their clinical musicianship through planning and facilitating music therapy sessions. Students refine their clinical writing skills through regular session documentation as well as through formulating assessments, developing goals and objectives, and evaluating therapeutic progress. Students build ethical therapeutic relationships while navigating the unique dynamics of individual therapeutic practice. Students attend weekly dyadic supervision meetings.

Additional Course Information
MU363; Year 4 standing in the Music Therapy program.