Major Research Project
1.0 Credit

The major research project provides students four options to pursue a specific area of interest: Journal Article Project (30-35 page piece of work in journal article format); Major Research Paper (approximately 50 pages in length); Policy Analysis Project (50-page project that provides students with the opportunity to carry out a professional policy analysis on an existing policy); Public Opinion Project Option (25-30 page paper not including the required survey instruments) that provides students with an opportunity to undertake the design of a major public opinion project involving the administration of a survey). Admission to the Major Research Project will require the support of a faculty supervisor and the graduate coordinator.
Students will apply for the Master Research Paper at the end of their first semester of graduate studies. The research paper must be defended successfully before an examination committee which shall include the student's supervisor and an assigned committee member.

Additional Course Information
Graduate student standing; successful completion of PO601 and PO602