Applied Community Research
1.0 Credit - Fall/Winter

Hours per week:
  • Lecture/Discussion: 3

In this experiential course, students develop knowledge, practical skills, and engage in critical reflection regarding the principles, concepts, methods, and challenges involved in community-based participatory research for the promotion of health, wellbeing, and social justice. This course requires a field placement and completion of a capstone project with the Centre for Community Research, Learning and Action (CCRLA), in partnership with a community agency. Students meet regularly as a group with the instructor, and individually with a placement supervisor/faculty advisor.

Additional Course Information
Registration status: Year 3 or Year 4 in any discipline. A 200-level course in research methods (e.g., PS295, PS382, CS235, GG258, GS202, HE201, PO217, SY280, SY281) and PS282 or permission of the department.
Students wishing to complete this fieldwork course must apply to the department chair for PS492* by April 1. Decisions about admission to this course will be based on a consideration of grades, appropriate preparation, an interview and the availability of fieldwork supervisors/faculty advisors. Decisions will be made by June 1 of that year.
Students meet in-class 3 hours per week during the month of September. After this time students work on their placement projects where student research teams spend at least 6 hours per week on placement-related activities.